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Mend Vectra Brake Light Warning

how can i turn my brake light waning light off my vectra o7?

my brake light warning light came on my dash and on my onboard comp on my vectra 07 plate,i changed bulb but lights still appear,could any one please

tom ramsay
September 2009
If a brakelight bulb fails, the "canbus" electrical circuitry is programmed to use the tail light bulb instead.
This leads a lot of people to change the wrong bulb.
If the bulb you fitted is not of the exactly correct resistance this will also cause your problem.
Always use proper Vauxhall bulbs from your Vx dealer.
The canbus system is very sensitive (many would say over sensitive) and will often claim a bulb has "blown" when it has not but its resistance has moved outwith set parameters.

September 2009
did you fit the right bulb?

September 2009
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