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Mend JCB 3CX Tractors

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Mend repair fix JCB 3CX tractors

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Mend JCB 3CX Engine Runs Work

JCB 3CX will not move forward or back?

Hi, I have a JCB 3CX backhoe, engine runs fine, machine will work for 10-30 minutes then it will start to loose drive and will then stop and not move forward or back. When left for a few hours it will work again for a few minutes.
I have changed transmission oil and filter, cleaned lower filter, still with no joy


Rob Kievel
September 2009
Telehandler jcb 2004 will not move forward or back until it warm-up then works fine any idea

Dai Steed
August 2022
Hi, I had the same problem with my backhoe there can be three reasons for this problem.

1) The solenoid might be an issue as in JCB machines it is totally depended on electric systems so even a loose connection stops the machine

2)Change the discs and plates inside the gear shaft. As even if they are slightly damaged this can happen. (My Problem's solution )

3) The ultimate reason can also be torque convertor or oil pump. If these are faulty then this problem can also occur

Vaishakh Menon
October 2016
how many psi does a project 8 jcb backhoe pushes

May 2016
Hallo there I have a jcb 3cx the tlb doesn't want to go in reverse gear the reverse hooter just make ongoing noise and if you shift it in 1st gear it go forward and stop again and doesn't want to move.

October 2015
Like liam hoey pressure builds up on brakes ,peddel get hard i
Would bleed pressure and it would start to work normal how can i fix this problem thanks shau

shaun mohan
October 2014
I have a JCB 214 and have a trnsmission problem. It will work for two or three hours then transmission gets hot and will not move forward or back. I have changed oil,filter and checked cooler lines. I have checked for blockage in lines to cooler and have taken the heat exchanger of but there is not a problem there. Oil is flowing around the system ok.Checked and cleaned the suction strainer in the bottom but was not dirty.

Tom Rudd
December 2013
Similar problem caused by transmission oil not flowing smoothly through the system. In my case we discovered that water had entered the transmission system (during a was with a jet spray) and oil was milky. Also a piece of rubber had blocked the transmission filter. Drained all the oil, put a new filter and run it for a day to flush the system. Worked like a charm

Jonathan N Wanzira
August 2012
It could be that the piston in the brake housing is not returning to its off position due to it not sliding back again.

Tony Lloyd
February 2012
i just buy a jcb backhoe , and when i drive like 3 miles and it heat up i started to seize up it would not move until it cold off but ur hearing lik the breaks seize up thats the sound u hear , i dont know what is it and when it cold and u mash the breaks it still moving when it is in gear , can any one tels me what is the fault

January 2012
You are maybe low on transmission oil - is it a semi auto box?

Different schools of thought on what to oil to use depending on box

in mine you measure oil with engine running

best Johnny

December 2009
if drive problem happens when trans hot probably mainline pressure to low / clutch packs worn/ burned out check pressure maint valve spool / spring is free /not broken[located under f/r solenoid]

kerbside plant
December 2009
it sounds like a fault inside the box or is it an electrical faul like solenoids if your stuck google digger doctors uk they will know and do all the spares for them

jcb mad
October 2009
Sounds like the transimission is failing. If the drive fades out.
If it goes instantly then more towards and electrical fault.

October 2009
Hi i bought a jcb 3cx about a month ago this had the very same problem as yours i to changed shuttle box oil and filter then gear box oil then back axel oil but to no avail then i discovered problem pressure building up in braking system if your brake peddle is hard with no movement then this is also your to prove wait untill machine stops then loosen bleeding nipple on top of axel to release pressure in system if move you've problem is solved hope this helps you it baffled me

September 2009
Sounds like a problem I had with a JCB Loadall a few years back. Could be water after entering the transmission system somehow and causing serious damage to the plates in the box. Then when the system heats up the discs cling together. In my case it was the oil cooler that leaked internally allowing the water to pass into the transmission and do the harm. Like your problem the loadall would run fine in the morning and after a short time would get stiff and then stop altogether. I was lucky enough the machine was just out of warranty and JCB covered the cost. Transmission had to come out the machine and be rebuilt. Hope this is of some help to you.

Declan Mc Carthy
September 2009
Mend Vehicles, Tractors
Mend repair fix JCB 3CX tractors

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Mend repair fix JCB 3CX tractors