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Mend Corsa Warning Light Engine

corsa warning light and gringing through pedals??

I am having a problem with my corsa,
my engine warning light seems to come on when i slow down at traffic lights/junctions and have to put it in first gear ready to pull off again. if i turn the engine off and start it up again,its fine.
also i have noticed a sort of grinding noise from the front drivers side wheel which i can feel through the pedals of the car.
any ideas guys????

August 2009
thanks for your help
i'm not sure when the car was last serviced as i have only just bought it.
the ligh that comes on is the one which is a car with a spanner through it-i have taken it to be fault read on a computer but they said it was a sensor on the clutch and nothing to worry about but surely it shouldn't keep happening.
the car is a 1.7 dti sxi on an 02 plate
thanks again for your help :)

August 2009
Has the car been serviced at all?
The grinding could be worn brake pads, wheel bearing or CV joint.
To check bearing jack up suspect wheel, support car on stand for safety, grip wheel top and bottom and try to rock it in and out, if there's any movement the bearing may be worn.
If OK remove the wheel and visually check the brake pads and disc.
Describe the dash light which is coming on, no offence but I spent ages trying to sort an EML problem over the internet. Turned out it wasn't the EML at all, it was the low screenwash warning light!!
What year and engine is the car, on some you can read the fault codes without special equipment.

August 2009
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