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Mend Singer Sewing Machines

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Mend > Sewing Machines

Mend Singer Bar Bobbin

Singer 7430 Needle Bar has moved?

The needle bar on my 7430 has shifted so the needle, once tightened into the bar, no longer goes down into the bobbin area. Instead it hits the plate just in front of the hole it needs to go in.
How can I move the bar back to position? I called a repair shop, and the guy seemed very negative that it was worth it.

Tiffany Dawn
August 2009
I actually have the same problem! I can tell the bar is out of alignment because the grove above the clamp is rotated to the right and not straight up and down. My machine is a viking and it's only 8 mos old. I can't seem to remove the cover to see the mechanizim inside. eeeekkkkk. what to do. I sew for a living. help

November 2009
Is there a way to fix the needle clamp?
I've removed the screw (used for tightening), but there is another piece holding the clamp on the bar...I need to get a smaller screwdriver to squeeze in and get that piece off...

Tiffany Dawn
August 2009
Hello Tiffany,
The chance of the actual needle bar going out of alignment is nil, it may be the actual needle clamp that has the problem.

August 2009
Mend Household Appliances, Sewing Machines
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Mend Household Appliances, Sewing Machines
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