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My Toshiba Regza has sound problems?

Distorted sound after TV has been in use for more than one hour

Sharon marie Langley
August 2009
Press the "Menu" button on your remote control to open the "Setup Menu" screen.

Use the arrow keys to scroll the highlighter to "Installation" and select "Enter."

Highlight and press "ENTER" on the "System Status" menu.

Highlight "System Information" and press "Enter."

Press the "Left" or "Right" arrow keys on the remote until you reach the "Factory Defaults" screen.

Enter your PIN code. If you have not set a PIN code, enter "0000."

Highlight "Yes" and press "Enter." Wait for the television to turn off and unplug the power cord. Plug the cord back in to complete the reset process. This also fixes image problems as well as audio.

December 2014
Not sure if it was mentioned already (tldr all the comments). I don't turn mine off and on to workaround the issue, I flip the input to another one, e.g., hdmi1 to Xbox or whichever, then I go back and it works again.

September 2014
I have the Regza 42 inch purchased in 2010 from best buy.
Sound distorts once every 15 min for about 20 seconds. If you turn it off and tv on it stops
I have warranty, will call and use it

January 2014
My Toshiba Regza 55SV670U has the garbled and echoing audio problem, too. Happens after viewing for varying periods of time. I'm out of manufacturer warranty, so Toshiba won't send me a firmware update. I have a Square Trade warranty which is still in effect, so I initiated a claim with them.
Problem with repair is that it is an intermittent problem that fixes itself after a while, so duplicating for a repair person is not probable.
Since Toshiba knows about the problem and has issued Support Document ID# 98083417, hopefully repair person will come with whatever is required to fix; Firmware Update or new Audio/Video/Main board...

January 2013
Hi I have toshiba 55zv650u it has audio problem I need fit it please help

January 2013
Hank B
May 2010
Is this what your TV sounds like?

If so, the only fix is a new audio/video board. I am getting mine replaced.
I copied this From Hank B may 2010 post.
Called the GeekSquad and they ordered this to repair. I purchased a 4 yr maintance contract so it will be free.

Thanls a lot Hank B

Elmer Bray
November 2012
And I also forgot to indicate that I'm located in Canada, so I'm not sure the US firmware will work for me and I don't want to try it in case it messes up my set.

October 2012
I realize that I did not specify that I have model 40XV645U.

I still cannot find the firmware (#25) update for this model.

Anyone who may still have a copy, please let me know.

Much appreciated as Toshiba is totally useless!

October 2012
update: used the firmware upgrade from this link last week:

Haven't heard any distortion since. I was skeptical whether it would work but it actually did.

July 2012
Same problem, toshiba regza 42"
god damnit

July 2012
Having the same audio distortion problem with my Regza 40XV648U. Found a link to 2 firmware upgrades. You need to click on 'downloads' in the first link and 'firmware' in the second link.

July 2012
AJ (or anyone else in Canada) have a copy of the firmware (#25) update they can email me? I've tried getting it and it is no longer available and the Tech support at Toshiba doesn't even know what I'm talking about.

Any help would be much appreciated. And yes I know I'm a little slow on the draw here (lol).

January 2012
I have to same problem with my new Toshiba 32SLV411 LED HDTV.

April 2011
I have the same problem. Sometimes the sound switches off without any reason.
My television model of regza is: 42sl738g
Unfortunatelly that model is not listed at the
Toshiba website.

Thas sounds like if that model doesn't exist...

Is there a firmware update for it?

April 2011
I had similar problems but noticed that the inbuilt freeview was fine.

Solution was simple. I had fitted a cable splitter myself from Maplins and the cables were note quite tight. I torqued all the cables to/from the splitter using a plastic spanner I think came with the cable modem and not only do I have no sound issues anymore and the surround function/bass quality is much better with no vibration. The picture quality has improved.

It only takes a slight loosening of the cables and this happens when you twist by accident the cables without realising it when you're tidying up the plethora of wires at the back of your TV but the difference is dramatic.

Not surprising when you consider the bit rate data transfer and interference possible on HD/Broadband splitter boxes.

Girlfriend had a similar problem with intermittant wireless signal issues to her laptop. Took me 4 hours until I realised an over zealous and shoddy engineer had not tightened up the cables, when he'd installed a V+box in her home.

Paul M Murray
February 2011
I got the exact same problem. Sound distorsion, soudn delays when changing channels and last night the sound just exploded in my face, so loud, I couldn't even turn it down, I had to uplug the tv. this is the second time I have to return it to best buy for sound issues, and it will be the last. NEVER BUY TOSHIBA AGAIN!

January 2011
I had the same problem with mine. Luckily, I purchased the additional service plan from Best Buy. Geek Squad came out and replaced the entire board in the TV. So far, so good.

January 2011
my toshiba regza has the same problem with the buzzing sound. Turning the unit off and on seems to be the only solution. I called Toshiba support and was advised that a tech would come to our home on this past thursday night, and to my surprise no one came by. I am really upset with toshiba and i cant wait til Monday so I can speak to someone again!

January 2011
Parler moi pas de cet merde de télé sv46x600 regza ( je crois en tout cas )le son qui distorsionne au heure..... 3 changements de carte de son, oui oui 3 fois.....pis leur fameux 240 hrz qui n est meme pas un 120 hrz en plus. c est 60 hrz point final ajuster par moi ou par eux ces la meme chose c est flou tout le temps
acheté pas chez tanguay le service es a chier ont attend encore pour le son 4 ieme fois......

Patrick de quebec
January 2011
i dont have any echo, distortion or other strange sounds other than my sound is a lot lower than my brother's toshiba regza. his is a 40" and i have the 42". any reason i have to turn my volume clear up to 21 to hear voices clearly, vs his being turned up only to about 4 and being loud? he has cox, i have dish. wonder if the compression between the two providers is what is causing this. its the same when i run a dvd player or game console, so...

December 2010
Happens on my 55SV670U after about 45-60 minutes on some HDMI input. But not always.

I get it during some Hi-def broadcasts - but not all. I usually get it when watching Xvid/DivX video. I do recall that it occurred consistently during broadcasts of 2010 winter Olympics.

Some Xvid/DivX files will consistently reproduce the issue when played on a Seagate GoFlex Video player. But if I play the same DivX files on a USB stick via my LG Blue-Ray player it doesn't seem to have the problem.

I can get it on least two different HDMI ports so I don't think it's related to a specific port.

I can get around it by switching the video input from HDMI to any other input then switching back. You don't have to turn the TV off. If you have a PVR or are able to pause the input just pause the video then switch / switch back and unpause. Problem is temporarily gone.

December 2010
We are on our second 32" regaza, the first one purchased at asda had a continuous whine after a short time of use, now the replacement has developed this fault, sometimes we lose sound completely, by turning the tv off it reverts to normal operation.

November 2010
Have a 46" toshiba Regza. Same echoey sound problem came up every couple of hours. Downloaded firmware from their site a month ago. no problems since. FP29.

August 2010
You guys who managed to get to talk to someone at Toshiba's UK helpdesk are lucky! I tried a number of times and sat listening to their faded music until I could stand it no longer. During one attempt, the call was answered by a 'non tech' who took my number and promised to ring me back ....that was 2 weeks ago, and they haven't called back yet. I have also emailed them..again to no avail. I really like the Regza TV, all I want is a fix on a USB or whatever, but, Toshiba's Customer Service has let me down badly on this - after all it is a product which was sold with known defects.

August 2010
How many of you are using external surround speakers. If not, my solution (I am using an HDMI cable hookup to a Virgin V+HD Box)was to set the audio settings on the Virgin on screen menu to HDMI audio override. This asks me to ensure my external speakers/amp are connected. However, you will still get sound as the surround sound function does a good job of mimicking external surround sound equipment. I noticed that the sound quality improved when I switched the surround function off. I think it is the way the virtual surround feature distributes sound over an HDMI interface causes it to distort and vibrate the panel.

Also, if you want the best picture quality over HDMI.

Turn off the Cinema mode unless using blu- ray.

Turn off the CTR mode

Turn off Digital Noise reduction

In fact turn off any of the gimickry that is intended to improve picture quality. This works only on the built in Digital Freeview. Over HDMI they all worsen the picture and cause artifacts and motion blur/stutter on occasion.

Set the HDMI picture mode to Native. Sure on occasion, such as on Film 4 hd, you'll have to put up with letterbox borders to an extent but I noticed another big picture improvement , when the image wasn't being stretched to fit.

Paul M Murray
August 2010
I had the distortion. Toshiba sent someone to fix it. Distortion is gone but about once a week the sound goes off completely. I will call again!

August 2010
have a 55 inch - having the same sound issue. have to turn it off then on to fix it. problem started when tv was about 6 months old...its been 10 now...going to call toshiba.

August 2010
The firmware update failed to fix the problem i now have sound problems all the time. Toshiba said they would send someone out to fix it.

July 2010
Had the same dalek sound fault ,reported it to Toshiba UK, they sent out tv contractors who downloaded Firmware 46 end of problem

July 2010
I had the same problem as everyone else. 42inch regza 240hz. I went to the Toshiba website and updated the firmware......However, the the firmware version didn't change (still FW 39). I think they might have the old version up there in error. I talked to Toshiba about this and they insisted this wasn't a common problem. In fact I was told that I was the first one that had complained about this sound issue. At any rate They ended up replacing the main board and all seems to be ok at this moment. Hopefully this will last.

Regza Man
July 2010
my 42 inch toshiba is the same they have done the firm ware done 4 tmes so now its at the toshiba taking the main board out . for a new one hope this resolves the noise problem

July 2010
55 inch Regza.......same problem here.........turn pvr off and on fixes it......If its firmware update...They should post it on the website!!

June 2010
Same Echo distortion 42ZV Regza purchased April 2010, absolute disappointment that Toshiba continue to sell products with a KNOWN technical problem, however there is hope, after a software up date FAILED to improve, Toshiba agent stripped out original Soundboard and installed new latest specification Soundboard which incorporated modifications and to date appears to solve problem. Recommendation, tread carefully when purchasing Toshiba Regza as you may also be disappointed and inconvenienced.

Alan Price
June 2010
Had the same issue. Visited the Toshiba site. Called the number provided. After a short, cordial conversation with a a knowing customer service rep, was sent a USB drive with a firmware update. Followed the instructions. Problem solved.

What's everyone having such trouble with?

June 2010
You don't need to shut off/on the tv when you get the garbled/distortioned sound. You can simply switch the Input source from HDMI to anything then back to HDMI. This is a workaround. It's not very good to turn off then turn back on a tv too quickly.

June 2010
same issue here. I'm off to currys to see if they will change it for a different make.

June 2010
it seems lots of people have gone down many of paths,and got no further,like myself,i think it calls for don t get done ask dom!

david mitchley
June 2010
my volume on my regaza is a problem
turning up the volume up to number 20 and you still can't hear anything have to turn it up to atleast 28/30 for low volume
anybody got any ideas
this has just happened after 7 months of buying it

June 2010
I purchased my Toshiba Regza 42 in for my husband for Christmas 2009 and after 4 months started experiencing the garbled sound and had to turn the set off and on to correct it. My huband called Toshiba and was told to take it to a local repair shop here and have it fixed. Well they've had it for two weeks and we have been unable to get it back because Toshiba is now giving them the run around saying that they are having a problem with our receipt! I sat on home for more than 20 minutes with Toshiba last night and spoke with two of the rudest customer service people that I have ever had the displeasure of dealing with. They told me "I guess you could fax or email us a copy of your receipt and we'll have someone take a look at it in 2 or 3 days!" I said I don't see what good that's going to do it's the same receipt that our service person sent. I need to know what the problem is with the receipt exactly. I asked that they call my retailer and explained that they said they will verify the validity of the receipt. He said uh we don't do that!

Sharol Portee
June 2010
the toshiba tele has gone back to the shop. got a sony instead hooooray

May 2010
toshiba uk also have the quality standard iso9000. i am going to complain to bsi as well. to get bsi details see their website.

May 2010
Looks Like I will be going to WATCHDOG as customer service is rubbish. 4 months and still no closer to sorting problem. Uk customers go to WATCHDOG as I will be then perhaps this will get sorted once and for all.

Mark UK
May 2010
yes i have this with my 46inch set. i have an engineer coming on thursday to fix both problems i will let u know how it goes

May 2010
I have a 40xv645u and haven't noticed the echo, but at some frequencies I have a distinct distortion - a "buzzing" sound - that sounds as if it's a resonance from the cabinet. I've placed the TV on a mat and have verified that none of the cables are touching the cabinet, but no joy. Has anyone else noticed this?

Hank B
May 2010
Is this what your TV sounds like?

If so, the only fix is a new audio/video board. I am getting mine replaced.

May 2010
The sound problem is back. I went to the Toshiba website and they acknowledge the problem on their website. They advise to turn the TV on an off. I called tech support and they advised they fix it by changing the sound card. I am having the repair centre order one

April 2010
Just to let you know, there is an upgrade that just came out 1 or 2 weeks ago and it works. I think it's upgrade 45 (not sure).

The program was downloaded 2 days ago and I have not heard that vibrating sound yet. It was there almost constantly before.

My dealer had a bit of problem because he did not have the right USB key. It's crucial. Not a bigger one or a smaller, the right one.

What a relief. So get back to your dealer it seems that they have the answer. Dont-wait for Toshiba to call because they don't.


April 2010
hi again.
i called toshiba uk and was told NEW software was expected on friday that will fix the problem. we will see!!!



April 2010
I am so pissed off with my Toshiba Regza. I also paid $1400.00 for it and I have the same sound problem as all of you have.

I can't get my tv to be exchanged by my dealer and from day 1 I have had sound problems.

I just called Toshiba (Montreal) 5 minutes ago and apparently they have a program or I don't know what that will be shipped to my dealer today. A USB key that will solve the problem. I don't really believe them but we'll see tomorrow.

If this does not work I am taking all of them to court.


April 2010
Edit: Sorry, my TV is a 42 inch. I was using a Sima 5x1 HDMI switcher, model VS-HD51. I removed this equipment from my system and so far, no more Alien sounds. I had the TV on all night last night.

Are any of you using HDMI switchers?

April 2010
The main board was replaced in our 40" Regza model, and it didn't help the sound problem at all. They don't seem to know what's causing it. Very discouraging, as otherwise it's a nice set. Would it be snotty to suggest they take apart some other makes and see how they design the sound?

April 2010
hi all i have the same problems. sounds like aliens talking and on some note the tv seems to vibrate. i am contacting toshiba.

does anyone have the best number to use in the UK



April 2010
I have the same problem. Bought my 43 inch Regza at Christmas 2009. Now after a few hours, it sounds like aliens are talking. Turning the TV on and off solves the problem. I have been trying to isolate whether it is the PVR, cables or HDMI switcher. I have determined it is not the PVR as running the sound through my AMP sounds normal. I have got rid of my HDMI switcher. From reading the posts on this forum, it sounds like it is the TV. I will try the firmware update. How disappointing!

April 2010
I have the 47 inch Regza connected to a satbox/pvr. I had the firmware upgrade but it didn't fix the problem so a new board is on order. A temp fix to get around the sound problem is to use the TV's component input, or as I do, connect the audio out from the satbox to an amp and speakers.

April 2010
Just called Toshiba USA. The solution is:
They provided a contact of a local service rep who will order a new main board (part: 75015873) and come to my house to replace it at no charge.

bill k
April 2010
Call Toshiba, they will mail it to you for free. I got mine next day.

April 2010
Does anyone know where i can get the american firmware update? The one from toshiba canada wont work.

April 2010
I have not had any further problems after the mailed firmware update.

April 2010
we are having the same problem with 37inch toshiba and then the 42inch models

does the firmware update fix the problem or not?

April 2010
Have just spoken to toshiba who say they hope to have a fix by April 9th. then I have to ring amazon because they have bought the warranty and they will fix it. Sounds too good to be true!

April 2010

Document number 25 is the firmware update you need. It was posted March 25th.

March 2010
FYI: I received the Firmware update in the mail today and so far everything seems to be working.

March 2010
Well, I just updated the firmware I downloaded from the Toshiba Canada website and I'm very disappointed. It turns out the version is an older version than the one that was already installed on my TV when I bought it. On the website it says its version FW42 (march 25th 2010) but once installed it's actually version FW39. My version build was and now I'm stuck with I wonder what's up with that, probably a bad version build(?)

Document ID D000023

Date Posted: 6/29/2009
Date Modified: 3/25/2010

Has anyone else encountered this problem too?

Let's hope for a fix soon. I hate this situation.

March 2010
Toshiba reckon a firmware update will be out mid-back end of April. Apparently it's being tested at the moment.
Although this could just be a "putter-off" til they work out what's up with them all.
In the mean time, has anyone tried a different HDMI port other than HDMI 1. I 'think' I didn't see the problem in HDMI 3, just 1.

March 2010
I'm really glad I've found this website. I've been having this same audio problem for over 2 months now with my Toshiba 47ZV655U. The weird thing is I get this "choppy-digitalized" sound with echo when watching blu-rays «only», not standard DVDs. It usually happens about after 1 hour into the movie. First, I thought the blu-ray player (a Sony BDP-S360) was the source of the problem since I only have the bad audio when watching blu-ray discs (hooked to the TV with HDMI). I don't have problems when watching TV or standard DVDs on the same blu-ray player. I contacted Sony and they had no idea why I was having this problem. They didn't even suspect the problem could originate from the TV.

I just saw Toshiba put out a new firmware version on March 25. I will download it and let you know if it fixes the problem. I hope it's a firmware problem, not hardware. I don't feel like getting into all that "technician having to come over" stuff... Plus, besides the audio issue, I really like this TV.

March 2010
I just sent an email to toshiba customer service as well. i have a 40in. Toshiba Regza, model # 40XV645U that has given me that occasional tinny/echo sound distortion. While its simple enough to power the tv off and back on i to hope for a more permanent fix as i otherwise love this tv and how nice my next gen games look on it now

March 2010
I purchased my Toshiba Regza 42" HD widescreen tv just before christmas 2009. Plugged my ps3 in as soon as I got it, and have not had one issue with the dalek/alien sound distortion with the ps3 through the hdmi. However about a month or so later I plugged my xbox360 in via hdmi cable and after around 2 hours I experience the sound issue. Also I experience this issue when watching sky tv through the HD+ box via hdmi after watching for around 5-6 hours. However when using ps3 via hdmi I do not experience any sound issues at all.

I seem a bit dissapointed in Toshiba, as I guess I am not the only person experiencing the problem. And it seems to be happening with different Toshiba models and not just specific ones aswell.

Mine came with a years warranty, so I think I may give Toshiba a call, to see if they can fix this problem.

March 2010
Great News. Toshiba Called me and said they sloved the problem. They would have to come out and change the HDMI board in the set.

March 2010
i have the same issue with my 55ZV850U they contacted a tech in my area to come fix it. who then called me to tell me there is no fix for this issue yet. I called service back and they said they don't know why he said that because there is a fix and the part is available....and so on
this seems to be all regza TV's issue

March 2010
just had a 46xv635d for 2 days and had the same dalek sound twice so far,contacted toshiba technical via email and got a reply back within 2 hours that they are aware of the issue and issued me a case number and to contact them in april as they expect the fix to be ready by then.

March 2010
Amanda have you received the fix yet for you tv

March 2010
I just spent about 2-3 minutes on the phone with someone from Toshiba regarding this very problem. Within a week I should have the firmware update to fix it. They were very nice on the phone and appologetic for the issue. If this fixes it, I will be extremely happy for this very quick and easy fix. I absolutely love this TV other than this audio anomaly that can be irritating!

March 2010
I bought a 55" model at Christmas and have been having the "odd" distorted sound on occasion.

Switching it over to another input source (like ANT) and then back again solves the problem.

It looks like a firmware issue rather than a hardware problem.

March 2010
I just spent 6 weekends trying to fix my media centre pc, I found this site then realised it was the tv causing all the dalek sound problems....Not Happy. The TV's going back. Might spend big on a Panasonic or Sony Bravia.

March 2010
Due to the Alien/Dalek type sound, I've had a replacement television direct from Toshiba, same model, the 32". This television does exactly the same. Can I take this back to the retailer and get something that works like it should?

March 2010
I've had the same problem on my 2-3 week old 46XV645U. It's happened a few times, sometimes after only one or two hours, but sometimes not at all even after many many hours. FYI, everyone, you can make it go away (temporarily) by switching to a different input and then back. You don't have to turn the TV off.

Called Toshiba, the guy knew exactly what I was talking about, and said they are working very hard on it and closing in on a fix. Said he couldn't give me a specific timeframe but it was "soon" and they would contact me. Don't know how much credence to give this, but I'll at least wait out the rest of my store return period.

February 2010
I have the same problem will comtact Toshiba

February 2010
Purchased a 46" Toshiba Regza from BestBuy Feb 17, 2010. Connected a HD receiver to it via HDMI Feb 22, 2010. First instance of distorted sound/echo occurred Feb 23, 2010, turned the set off for the night because it would not end. Only the next day, it occurred again and went away after 15 minutes.

Faith J.
February 2010
I've been using our 37" Regza (37RV635DB) on Scart and Component without any problems for the last few weeks, but now i've just upgraded to SkyHD using HDMI, every now and again we get the dalek audio sound. I think i'll be on to Toshiba and see what they say. I'll leave it a few months and if there's no joy or fix, will be sending it back to Tesco as "not fit for purpose".

February 2010
Same problem. About an hour or so. Turning the TV off and back on fixes for now, but it's disturbing since it's brand new(1 week old). My fear is if it gets worst after a few years.

Jon D
February 2010
Same problem with my 2-month old Toshiba Regza 46XV645U. Absolutely love the picture, but the sound becomes distorted/garbled (I call it sounding like "Donald Duck") after TV has been on a few hours. Haven't yet tried seeing if it self-corrects after a few minutes.

February 2010
I have the same problem and rung Toshiba yesterday and they said they were not aware of any problem and certainly weren't working on a fix! Do you have the email address and I could perhaps email them and get something in writing off it. Only had this TV at christmas as a present.

February 2010
I'm having the same problems since connecting Virgin v+ box via hdmi cable. Virgin engineer surprisingly seemed unaware of the Toshiba problem and suggested using a scart connection (yes great!! why bother with HD!!) but is supposed to be sending a new hdmi cable.
Having found the comments on here I emailed Toshiba and got this back today:

"Many thanks for your recent enquiry regarding your Toshiba 32XV635DB.
As you have suggested Toshiba are aware of this issue and are looking into it as we speak.
As of this moment in time we apologise for the inconvenience and would ask that you contact us again in a few weeks time when we should have more information on the problem to provide you with."

I think I will be asking John Lewis for my cash back!

February 2010
mine too

February 2010
I have a same problem on my 55sv670u. I got it 2 month ago and I was diapointed to Toshiba HD TV. Then I called Toshiba customer center that he said we will make a some firmwear but we dont know when comes in. So, I still waitng that. But, I think they cant fix them. I am doing that AV-Connection setting turn on or off when I get sound problem. For now, fix it on that but it doesnt fix problem basicaly. I think Toshiba sould recall the products of REGZA.

February 2010
Update: I called Toshiba and they are know about the problem and they are looking to find a solution.

February 2010
Same here with the 55SV670U set. I got the Set on January 2010 it has been in my home for 2 weeks and nothing but problems. As i'm watching a show 20 to 30 minutes the sound turn into a fuzzing noise. In order to correct the problem i have to turn off the tv. I'm very upset!! Now I don't want this set! It's Not the Cable or the converter. I had changed and ran new lines in my home. I ask my friend to lend me his Plasma 55' tv and Perfect pictures and sound. I connected both tv's with a RF splitter and watch both sets with the same show and BAM! Toshiba's audio did the same problem. Need to buy a LCD 1080p? don't buy TOSHIBA!

Sammy NYC Cable Guy.
February 2010
Just had the engineer round to my house to check out my Regza and he already knew about the noise distortion/ echo via hdmi connection from several other visits to other houses. He said Toshiba know about it and don't have a fix, anyway I've took the tosh back and ordered a panasonic.

January 2010
Ditto, same prob with new 46" toshiba. Another forum suggested it may be prob with electrical circuitry in the home itself, especially when one echanged the tv brought it home and did the same thing. Im going to try a different surge protector and maybe try another plug in the house. If that doesnt solve prob back to best buy, Thank goodness for 4 year warranty!

January 2010
Me too.I bought mine Dec 09 Toshiba 32" and contacted Toshiba about the dalek echo sound.They said they had no previous reports of this tonight I find this website with so many of you experiencing the same.Will go to Comet tomorrow with a print out of all these comments.Many thanks.

January 2010
I talked to Toshiba a week ago.I purchased the 52 inch Regza. The guy told me an engineer would be calling me in a few days. I hadn't heard anything yet so I called them again today. Now they tell me they will call me when they figure out a fix for it!! I just spent $1400.00 on this thing!!! Hello Best Buy??? what else do you have?

January 2010
Mine has problems with the sound as well. Only purchased it two days ago. Whilst watching it tonight the sound of the broadcast went off and a high pitched constant noise started. I had to turn the TV onto standby to stop the noise. I turned the TV back on and it happened again within an hour. I WILL be on the phone tomorrow to see what Toshiba has to say...or should I go through Amazon which is where I purchased it???

Andy Marnick
January 2010
Add me to the list as well. The noise distortion / echo starts after approx 30 mins whilst watching a dvd via hdmi cable. It lasts for about 20 seconds then corrects itself. Only had the tv a few weeks and it did this the first time I watched a dvd! I've tried changing all settings and still it's the same. Model = 40LV665. I tjhink it'll have to go back to the shop!

January 2010
I'm am very disappointed to find that this appears to be such a major issue with the Toshiba Regza tv's. It was a CR Best buy and I got a great deal on it. I purchased the 46" model for Xmas and have experienced this issue several times. Turning the tv off and back on solves the problem but that is not a long term fix.

January 2010
Just bought a brand new 40" Cinema something or other from Video Only and it did the same as everyone else here - distorted echo after an hour or so, and does it with just TV, as well as DVD, Playstation, XBox, and Wii. We hadn't researched this yet and took it back and exchanged for another one just like it. What do you know, same issue. :( Too bad... slightly older Regza models we've experienced didn't have this issue. Grrr Toshiba, Grrrr.

C in Kirkland, WA
January 2010
hello we have 55ZV650U model we have had disdorted sound, we have contacted toshiba bought in july 09
this is january 2010 they are still researching the problem will be contacting BBB and consumer affairs. its very fustrating

nancy ramos
January 2010
Everyone should call Toshiba at 1-800-631-3811 and demand that something be done to repair this problem. The entire Regza line has this same problem. I have done extensive web research and found that the internet is full of stories from people with the distorted sound problem on Regza sets.

December 2009
I've purchased my Regza 46XV645 46inch back in August 2009. I've noticed twice since then the echo effect with the sound. I turn the TV off, wait 5 minutes and turn it back on. That seems to solve the problem.

Elizabeth, CT
November 2009
My Regza has the same problem. Toshiba had a serviceman change the sound board but that evening the same problem occurred. Toshiba said they would get back to me. Still waiting

November 2009
The entire line of Toshiba Regza televisions have a major defect in the circuitry that produces sound. Toshiba is fully aware of this problem and seem to have no plans to do anything about it. After being on for an hour or so, the sound develops this distorted echo effect. My Regza 55ZV650U has done this so often that the speakers are now damaged and rattle. Check out and type Toshiba TV sound problem into their search pane.

T Smith
November 2009
I bought the 46" model and it does the same thing. The sound is distorted but it only happened after the cable company came to change the box for HD. Should I return it or is it "fixable"?

November 2009
Same here...came looking for others with the problem. After an hour+ of operation the sound gets distorted with a 'static' like distortion. Happens with cable and xbox 360 sound. Turning off the TV or Cable box/xbox makes it right again, but no clue as to why it is doing it.

November 2009
Mine does too

October 2009
my 42 inch has gone back for software update
the sound has an echo very annoying

September 2009
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