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Mend Triton Baths and Showers

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Mend Bathroom Appliances, Baths and Showers
Mend repair fix Triton baths and showers

Mend > Baths and Showers

Mend Triton Problem Temperature Hot

Another Triton T80si shower with a problem!?

The water flows OK but the temperature fluctuates between too hot and too cold - I cannot regulate the temperature to just right(!)

Is it an esy fix or should I replace with a new unit?

It is about 2 years old and in daily use, we are in a very hard water area. Thanks for any advice.......

Roger the Bodger
August 2009
check the bottom tco for any blackened connections.

hi-spec plumbing & heating (essex)
August 2009
Mend Bathroom Appliances, Baths and Showers
Mend repair fix Triton baths and showers

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Mend Bathroom Appliances, Baths and Showers
Mend repair fix Triton baths and showers