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Mend Servis Washing Machines

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Mend > Washing Machines

Mend Servis Washing Machine

how do i fit a servis washing machine M3094 fanbelt?

i asked a question regarding how i put a fanbelt on to my Servis washing machine M3904. i got a reply instructing me to check the flywheel pulley and mouting bolts.unfortunately i am unsure of where these components are. can you describe to me where the mounting bolts are, are they the bolts at either side of the screw like thing that sticks out underneath the back the large drum, which i assume is the fly wheel pulley??
thankyou to sparky who responded. can you respind again?? ASAP zena

February 2006
That washing still mounting up.
The flywheel pulley is a large round pulley at the rear of the drum that the belt goes on to turn the drum.
The mounting bolts are holding the motor in position and will require to be loosened to give a bit of adjustment to fit the belt and must be retightened once tensioning of the belt by pushing the motor to tension.
Please ensure mains isolated before attempting any work.

February 2006
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Click here to mend Servis washing machines

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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
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