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Mend Hotpoint Tumble Dryers

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Mend Hotpoint Stops After Few

Hotpoint TDC30P stops after a few minutes and won't restart?

I'm in Australia and my daughters TDC30P needs fixing.

When the machine is started, it runs for a few minutes and then stops. It doesn't restart when the button is pressed until 10 to 15 minutes have elapsed.

I've tried diagnosing the problem by temporarily shorting out the rear thermostats to no avail. Is there another thermostat anywhere which I can check?

I notice that some people have had problems with the start/hold relay, but they can restart their machine immediately by pressing the button.

Obviously I want to be sure that I've found the faulty part before getting parts shipped from UK. Any ideas anyone?

February 2006
Same problem!
Same answer. Works perfectly now.

December 2008
Had the same problem as you. Tried changing the Thermostats then the heater, all to no avail. Last resort was the internet where I found this solution. Relay changed dryer now works. Thermostats and heater being returned.

Thanks for the help.

May 2008
I have had the same problem with a hotpoint tdc30p I followed the advise and replaced the relay and it now works again perfect.

To replace remove the top cover by unsrewing the bolts at the back and sliding it forward.

Remove one of the screws on the relay mounted on the front (Brown box)

Un-clip the wiring

To replace the relay go to RS components website and order the exact Schlack part number it costs about 14 pounds.

to re wire follow the following

With the label on the left the top three prongs

4 (14) Red Single wire
7(11) Red wired to blue
A(A1) 2 Red Wires

Bottom three prongs

6(34) 2 Blue wires
9(31) Blue linked to red
B(A2) grey

Hope this helps

November 2007
Thanks to all above - mine did the same, now it's fixed.
Relay available from Maplins, RS and/or Farnell - about £6.00. need some mods to wiring and possibly a base, but that saves a couple of gallons of fuel...

October 2006
Thanks Bobby.

Relay coil confirmed open circuit after a few minutes use and continuity regained when cooled.

Part on order.

February 2006
your problem is the relay just under lid, new one about £18 and you will be sorted

February 2006
Mend Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers
Click here to mend Hotpoint tumble dryers

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