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Mend Washing Machines

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Mend > Washing Machines

Mend Machine Selected Cycle

washing machine doent do the selected cycle ?

everytime i put my washing machine on a cycle for a wash the dial just keeps clicking around to the stop button it doent wash it just fills the drum with the water but as i said it will not do the cycle wash that i have selected i have been told it may be the filter i have taken it out and nothing is still happening please please please what could it be

miss geraldine hickman
May 2009
Whatever it is it certainly won't be the filter... a blocked filter will not stop the drum from turning.

Presumably - although you do not say so - the drum will not rotate on any washing cycle and the time duration is what you would normally expect?

The first thing that happens when you start a W/M off is that it fills with water. Then the motor turns the drum. Then the heater begins to heat the water etc. etc. rinses, drains and then spins and the programme ends.

If the drum is not turning then the cause will be the control electronics - the motor itself - motor capacitor - brushes - drive belt... something along these lines.

Your choices appear to be self dignosis and repair - an appliance engineer visit or a replacement machine.

Good luck...

May 2009
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Mend repair fix washing machines

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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
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