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Mend Samsung Digital Cameras

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Mend Samsung Camera Turn Time

help needed for samsung nv3 camera?

when i turn my samsung nv3 on it just tells me to turn off and on again , every time . has anyone else experienced this or know of a solution ,,

May 2009
I do have the same problem, everytime i turn it on, and when the lens open it just closed right away. However when i turn it on under mp3, pmp, or files, it doenst have any problem. It seems the lens wont operate anymore.... Does any one knows why and how to fix it?

October 2012
Dear peter meikle,
this camera does not allow to use the memory card bigger then 2GB, so pleae,use equal or less then 2gb

Kashif Fakhar
March 2010
brilliant, thanks all, kept seeing turn off and on again message on lcd screen, gently helped nudge the shutter open and sorted cam out!!

January 2010
My samsung NV3 camera wont charge

christine smith
December 2009
when turning on the camera the lens cover opens, there is a whirring sound and then it closes it again and turns itself off. Any ideas?

Owen P
November 2009
it says my mermory card is full but ive just bought it 30min ago so how can it be

peter meikle
October 2009
Another issue!

My one doesn't turn on anymore!!

July 2009
yes sometime the lens get stuck just prees down on the lens gentle and blow with as much power as you can this will work.

May 2009
Yes your shutter is stuck closed.
I applied "gentle" pressure with my thumb and blew around it. This eventually did the trick. I still sticks occasionally when ist damp.
Hope this helps

May 2009
Mend Cameras, Digital Cameras
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