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Mend Dyson Washing Machines

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Mend Dyson Fault Codes

freeing the fault codes?

on a dyson machine you can free fault codes by pressing two buttons what are they...this will save £85 call out charge.

December 2003
My Dyson washing machine, 15 years old, showed the F14 fault for the first time today, rang Dyson they told me there is nothing they can do. Found this site, took the back off moped up the water in the bottom, gave a quick blast with a hair dryer and yipped it worked. Machine lives to wash another day....

July 2017
The F11 is a regular problem, it means the circuit board at the back has blown a fuse, you may be lucky enough to just replace the fuse and all ok,

but in both of my F11 problems the bridge rectifier has blown as well, if you can solder, then its less then a £1 from maplins etc, if you can't, you need a replacement PCB board, Ebay approx £40, the board has a ring of plugs around which need to be unplugged and then the board will ping out, then stick the new board in,.

If you are competent with this sort of repair, its not difficult, if you are not, please get someone who is

Allen Fleckney
February 2015
is there anyway I can clear the f11 code that is showing on my dyson cr01 please without calling an engineer out, can any one help with this please.

January 2015
How can i repair code f 20? Please help

August 2014
For those wanting spares, Manchester Vacs have many spares for these, listed on eBay under their user name dyson-spares-manchester. Hope it helps.

Angus Black
August 2013
Another simple fault.
The Power switch can burnout dropping either one or both of the contacts. Either replace the switch or work out what set is still working and use that to switch the Live, and just join the two neutrals together for a quick fix. The switch burns out if the contra is starting to die. If you have no working switch then you can just bypass that and just switch the mains plug off, the end result is EXACTLY the same.

Removing the FRONT PANEL.
Be careful, you do not want to break any of the parts.

Take off lid (two screws),
Remove the control panel two screws,
Remove the two screws on top of the main panel,
Remove the outer door by gently lifting/prying the bottom hinge from the yellow/purple section.
Remove the two screws that are now exposed.
Remove the coin drain cover.
Remove the two door catch screws.
Remove the detergent tray.

Now you should be able to gently lift the plastic front directly upwards about 10 to 20mm(till stops) then pull out SLIGHTLY.
Behind the soap tray is the door release.
This is attached to a thin plastic tape that connects to the door lock.
With the doorlock screws removed it allows for greater movement to assist with detaching the release tape from the back of the Top pin.

Do the same backwards to replace.! but remember that the plastic release tape feeds in behind the metal front panel.

The easy way to enter Diagnostic mode to show and Clear fault codes is Power off, press and hold temperature, power on, release temp, press soil.

This has been mentioned a few time but people seem a little unclear still so the more ways it is described the better.

If you are smooth you can do it without holding temp, just power on and within 1/2 second press temp and then soil as normal.

While in Diag' mode you can do the following and no doubt more.
Select a wash cycle, press start, machine will now step thru cycle as normal with additional info on screen, pressing the soil button will skip thru to the next phase. Just make sure it has some water in it so you do not cause the heater to start smoking.

step 11, I believe the contra rotor stage, and then again one or two steps later. (may depend on selected cycle)

Hope that random information helps someone.
Sorry about the spelling errors.!

May 2013
What caused my dyson washer to short my electrics while going through a cycle

gloria of crewe
April 2013
for "f14 code problem":
please hint me.

April 2013
how do you sortbf2 f5 f2

November 2012
Thanks for the good advice mine start working again. Love dyson machine. What im gonna do when time has come to end my machine. Is there any machine wash it like dyson ..

Dyson addict
October 2012
Why does everyone complain about having an engineer sent out. It's a flat fee so if you have several problems they will practically replace the whole innards and door of the machine for that £90 or whatever it costs now.

October 2012
F4 Code Problem

Rang Dyson on the number displayed and he said " You need an Engineer" to which I said, "I am one"! "What is an F4 fault"? - he said "Inner door problem"... Hmmm I thought?

Door looked fine and clicked on the micro switch ok

I followed the instructions given by a previous poster

1. Power off at the machine. Do the next 4 steps within 3 seconds

2. Press Temperature Button in

3. Power on

4. Release temperature button

5. Press Soil Type button

You will now hear the door lock release so you can get to your washing

Diagnostic code is now displayed. You can switch the washer off and back on and the error code is clear

Bingo! it worked!

Maine Coon Cat Parents
March 2011
dyson fault .had my girl friends washer looked by dyson enginer .he came in span the drum and said its scap then walked out with out another word. after getting back on the phone to dyson.they told me that f114 could mean a number of things .i don t know .but what i do know is the fault was water lifting the float at the bottom of the washer.there is a leak coming from the back of the center of the drum. i know the bearing are going because of the noise .the washer is working again.i also know that dyson still surply the bearing and seal but not the drum.which would cost you 100 pounds ive been quoted 200 to 300 pounds to fit them to the washer.and because the work that needs to be done is well over there 100 hundred pound cap exspense ive told dyson i will be taking them court if i have have the repair done by a private engineer i will be seeking the excess amount ive emailed dyson with facts and im waiting to hear from them and will let every one know later SO IF YU HAVE A F14 PROBLEM WITH YOUR WASHER MAKE SURE YOU HAVE LOOK AT THE CENTER OF THE DRUM YOU WILL BE LOOKING FOR BROWN RUST RUNNING DOWN THE DRUM

March 2011
f15 means the gear plate switch is faulty or the gear plates are sticking or worn out good luck

March 2011
F14 code relates to the float switch at the base of the unit. If it gets wet, the fault code shows. Easy resolution is to take the back off, tilt the machine back to pool any water, mop it up with a kitchen roll, then blast it with a hair dryer for 10 mins to dry the float switch out. This gets you going again but doesn't resolve why the water was there in the first place. We did it once, fine for 3 months, then again, fine for 4 weeks, and again, fine for a week! :( my leak is obviously getting worse. Time for a call out.

Steve and sue
February 2011
I had fault code F14 (Flooding) after not securing the coin trap correctly. I followed your advice. Emptied all water possible, took off the metal back plate then mopped up water in the bottom of the machine with kitchen roll (a bit fiddly but kitchen roll absorbed well). I then dried it with a hair drier. When I switched it back on the fault code had gone. Thanks, saved me lots of money.

October 2010
My cr02 dyson washing machine keep stopping during mid cycle. Please help!

dick sheppard
August 2010
cant get outer door open at all try all they said

andy mccoy
July 2010
I wanted to thank this site and all the users who took time to post. I bought my Dyson CR01 10 years ago when living in the UK, it has been the best machine ever, never once going wrong.

The only problem I had was my husband, he pulled the soap drawer out too fast, it came flying out the machine and broke. I rang Dyson and they sent a new drawer free of chare.

3 years ago we emigrated to Australia and I could not bear to get rid of the Dyson so we bought it with us, much to the grumblings of the removal guys...

Well 2 weeks ago we got the F13 Error Code, I looked on the internet and found this site, seemed to be the Heater Element. I rang Dyson in the UK, no engineers in Australia as they never sold this machine here, I asked if they would send me the part to Australia, no problem they said, I ordered a Heater Element for 15pounds and 6 pounds postage.

The part safely arrived yesterday, we took the machine apart using the instructions I had found from you friendly people, changed the heater element, put it all back together, reset the machine to get rid of the code and hey presto machine back and working perfectly and all for 21pounds, heres to another 10years of happy washing.

A HUGE Thank you to this site, it's friendly people and to Dyson who are the best.

Kathryn (a happy washer)
May 2010
I removed F14 code as follows :- After following the instructions to press the temperature & soil buttons to try to clear the error code with no effect I then took the back off (there are large & small screws for this, ensure they are replaced correctly) found no water in the bottom recess, put my arm in (LH bottom) and fiddled with the float & switch,I then did the button pressing as before to get the diagnostic code & the door lock clicked & I was able to remove the clothes !
I then switched the machine off & on again & found the error code had gone.
I think the machine was overloaded, it failed at the end of the spin cycle, so there was no water in the drum
& I suspect the cause of the problem is that extreme vibration may have disturbed the switch in the bottom
I am very grateful for the information on this site, it has saved me a callout ----- Thanks,

George B
May 2010
Big thanks to littleladybird leaving message Oct 2004! My dyson has stood for 4 yrs and I just moved to new place and F15 code appeared! Took your advice and hey presto - washing machine going gr8!!! Big thanks!!

April 2010
I tried the buttons for f15 and machine restarts but fault re occurs when it tries to contra rotate, it buzzes and sounds stuck. Any clues

richard clumsy
January 2010
i have fault f11 on my machine have tried holding the temp button and on button etc: have done this loads of times can clear it but then just comes back up when started. really dont want to pay the £93 for engineer have had him out three times in four years can any body help please have five people in house three are young kids

January 2010

December 2009
i have a haier washing machine that keeps coming up as an error 7 wat does this mean?

December 2009
Yay washer working again

Ultimo Scorpion
December 2009
Wonderful site - thanks so much for sharing info. CR02 wouldn't start - kept saying outer door not closed. Followed info above to get diagnostic faults ie turned machine off at on/off button, then turned on again and very quickly pressed temp then soil type buttons. Faults showed as 229F2F5F2U205. Turned machine off, then on again and it worked!

Happy washer!
November 2009
Thank You soooo much... my Dyson washing machine was showing error F14. I had booked the engineer to come out (over a week before they could come) but thought I would check out what the internet had to say about my error code & I took Cliff Freemans advice & it worked.I've saved myself £95 :o)

November 2009
I have a CR01 Dyson Washing machine which has gone wrong countless times. It is now saying close the outer door and press resume. The outer door is shut but the machine isn't recognising this. I had a new door sensor put in by a Dyson engineer only 18 months ago. Any ideas?

Kat Clark
September 2009
Hi, just got a secondhand CRO1 which worked fine at previous owner's house. After transporting it and installing it, problems developed: initially, the message " insufficient filling - please check water supply" cropped up; checked the hoses at the back; plenty of cold water going in but little or no hot (no probs with hot water on old machine); then having restarted, water started to leak from just behind the front left hand corner. Eventually, got the F14 flooding code. Followed advice on this board, took the back off and mopped up all the water and machine reset to normal.
I thought I might have figured it out: the waste pipe was above the recommended height of 600mm. Phoned the helpline to ask what this might cause and was told it might flood.
I adapted the waste pipe to a lower level but exactly the same thing happened again. I am now reluctant to try again, and may have to call out the engineer sometime (can't afford it at the moment!).
What could be causing the leak at the bottom left corner?
Is it related to the non-functioning hot water inlet? or have I just damaged something during transit e.g the door seal?
Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

August 2009
Can I assume that if neither the handy diagnostic test listed here, nor the Dyson website advice to try the emergency door release screw located under the soap dispenser work to unlock the door that my door lock (CR02 model) needs replacing? My machine is 5 years old - and it sounds like others have had this fault before (I've also had the motherboard fault and needed something called the Control Pce Assy in May 2008). Thanks!

August 2009
Ok please help me how do you get your dyson cr01 of demo mode, pleaase im begging you its doing my nuts in!!!

August 2009
We have just had a dyson engineer out for fault code F11 which is a power board at the back of the machine for the two motors, so he replaced that then he tested the motors, and also one of the motors was faulty too,
so F11 really does need a engineer to come out


April 2009
can some one help me ive got f6 code come up on my
washing machine

j da costa
March 2009
I had Fault code F14 flooding. After reading some of the answers on this site I tilted the machine forward for about 20 seconds to clear any water at the float then swiched machine on and it worked straight away.

February 2009
Brilliant, just followed the below on our CR01 washer and saved £300, as the missus wanted to buy a new washer! Just before xmas as well!

To Clear F11 Code after a power cut.

1, Power off at the machine. Do the next 4 steps within 3 seconds.
2, Press Temperature Button in.
3, Power on
4, Release temperature button
5, press Soil Type button

You will now hear the door lock release so you can get to your pants.

Diagnostic code is now displayed. You can switch the washer off and back on and the error code is clear. If you do this it will work. But it took my wife 4 attempts to get the sequence right as I talked her through over the phone.

Steve B - Burton on Trent.
December 2008
I have had a message that outer door not properly shut and diagnosis shows F2F11F2 fault but does not reset. I have had recent upgrade to door lock unit - any help please?

December 2008

December 2008

November 2008
We accidently pressed start instead of on/off after the machine had finished a load realising this pressed cancel but the machine showed a fault code F4 and we could not open the door. Phoned Dyson on 0870 6002 701 and they talked me through opening the door. Pull out soap tray to the right there is a small grey screw insert a coin and turn this anti clockwise. Hey Presto the door opened, thought this would cure the problem but no - F4 still showing. Rang Dyson again, they wanted £95 to send an engineer - I then discovered this super helpful website tried the cure listed and it worked. Many thanks keep posting info.

Cliff Freeman
November 2008
I have a cr01, it showed fault F14... I phoned was told it would be £95..... so declined...... found this site... tried the diagnosis but F14 is a water/leak problem ... there was no choice but to get into the back ..... on opening it I discovered a pool of water filling the centre of the base plate...I would look carefully as it wasnt easy to see at first..... i dried it out , then got a hair dryer and used it for a while ...tryed the machine and hey presto its working fine again .... so far
thanks for the advise... not just the £ it saved , but as always it happened when I needed it , thanks again

October 2008
Some good answers here, especially on clearing faults and repair.

However, no-one seems to have mentioned where spare parts can be sourced ???

I'm in the UK and have noticed e-spares who've just started selling a small selection - but still not the parts required by most people for the known common faults, at over inflated prices.

Dyson seems to have a secrecy policy, and not only will they not declare fault codes, but will NOT SUPPLY you with spares at all; only when and if you fork out the staple £85 will their 'engineer' (what ???) come around to 'examine' the appliance, and even then its all shrouded in secrecy ala masons.

If I could get a door interlock, or the heater element, it would be a matter of minutes to replace.

I'm an engineer myself, and I don't mean the repairman type either so I'm more than capable of my own repairs.

August 2008
MAK AGAIN - you are a genius. F4 fault code cancelled. Especially useful when you are in New Zealand and the support network is not available.

Chris - Aotearoa
August 2008
Our CR01 machine showed F3 fault this morning.Carried out the following steps,turn power off, press temp,power on and soil buttons within 3 seconds and Bingo fault cleared, machine working again
Wife delighted and happy with the internet.
Many thanks

Tony Hurley
July 2008
I had F11 on my machine but it turned out to be the Printed Curcuit Board at the rear of the machine. I tried to replace the fuse but it blew straight away. Again, Dyson engineer turned up, replaced the PCB and charged £0.00. Go Dyson.

Johan Stolt
June 2008
fault code f4 on dyson cro1
worked fine see mark again jan 2008

April 2008
fault code f4 on dyson cro1
worked fine see mark again jan 2008

April 2008
fault code f4 on dyson cro1
worked fine see mark again jan 2008

April 2008
how do you repair the fault f11? please help!

March 2008
I did find it interesting when investigating this problem (I had F13) that Dyson (James) specifically complains about UK, the industrial revolution home of engineering, not encouraging the development of engineers (see Dyson website). However, Dyson (the Company) denies anybody trying to repair their own machine the information required. I expect it is to do with legal liability and/or repair revenue. Repair revenue is important, not just to Dyson, because those who own these machines (no longer in production) need them supported and this is what pays for the support service. Generally most people seem to be impressed with the level of service it is just very frustrating when something that could be simply fixed with a bit of common sense and a bit of knowledge has to remain broken until a ‘trained professional’ has to come and hold your hand (and you have to pay for the privilege). I was brought up never to throw anything away that worked and when something breaks I always try to repair it first. The culture, endemic in a consumer society, is to throw away and buy a new one. Unless we (and collectively we as in the govt) fix this kind of attitude, Global Warming has no solution until the source of consumer goods ends. Demand the right to repair and save the planet!

January 2008
Dyson CR01 Fault Codes and how to fix them (Maybe)

How to Clear Fault Code F7 on a Dyson Cr01 Washing Machine
The Dyson CR01 washing machine may display "FAULT F7: PHONE 0870 600 2701" or similar. This can occur after a washing cycle has completed, even though the machine has not malfunctioned. The door is locked in this fault mode, which denies the user access to the clothes, and prevents further use of the machine. This fault code can be cleared by the user.
1. Switch off the power using the 'MAINS ON/OFF' button
2. Press and hold the 'Temperature' button
3. Carry out the next three steps within 3 seconds;
4. Switch on the power
5. Release the 'Temperature' button
6. Press the 'Soil type' button
7. Check that a message similar to "DIAGNOSTIC MODE 123F7F2F5V127" is displayed. If it is not, repeat from the beginning
8. Switch off the power
9. Switch on the power. The fault code should have cleared
This is the general way of resetting a Dyson machine. For any fault try this first. The diagnostic number are interpreted as follows:- First 3 amount of wash cycle, Second set are the recorded faults, and the last 3 is the software upgrade version.
F3 F4 are the door lock units, the only way to get rid of these faults on the machine if the simple reset, as above, fails is to replace the problem parts
F11 Not Sure. One report had the fault only showing during the cycle. Another said it was caused by a power cut in mid cycle and it subsequently reset.
F13 Seems to be something with the heater element which is located at the front of the machine and easy to replace. If, if the heater unit fails the wash will stop after the second contrarotation stage to continue switch off then on select extra rinse & spin to finish the wash until you get the part.
F14 seems to be caused by water in the machine in the wrong places. Those bold enough can open the back to check and dry as required. Several people have just said they dried the machine and it worked another dried the switch attached to the float that triggers F14 code? One person added sealant where the transit plate was screwed on to reduce water splash (bold move but it seemed to work).

F15 is the ramps and servo unit at the back which engage contra rotation the servo spins round a nylon ring to engage and disengage also the same ring pushes micro switches to let the machine know if it has engaged or not. The fault will probably be the servo being slow or lazy.

January 2008
how do you take the front off?we have the flooding error come on ours and we have managed to take the back and top off i dried it out and re started it and it fills with water then does somthing then a load of water dropps at the front in the middle under the drum and it trips the trip switch i cant really see past the drum to see where it is coming from so not sure if the door seal has gone or if it is from a pipe underneath i can not quite work out how the front comes off i know it needs to lift up and have removed the top screws but i assume somthing on the door side is holding it in place does the outer door need to come off?and if so how i dont have £85 for dyson since owning the machine i have had them out 4 times for various errors and its just over 2 years!the engineer would not let on anything about how to fix it which really annoyed me as i have always repaired my own machines at £85 a time my machine could cost me a lot more than i paid for it originally if i dont learn how to do it myself

January 2008
i have the fault code f11 what do i do and what does it mean? please help
regards debs

December 2007
i have fault f11 and need help in only comes on screen when the cycle is on and the machine doesnt work can someone explain exactley how to turn the fault off please i am pulling my hair out hear thankyou

September 2007
Hi, What a great site! I have a dyson washing machine which had a F14 fault code, Flooding! phone etc..... having read this web page I took the back off the machine in the hope I could see the tray which I could, looks more like a recess in the bottom of the machine (central location), mopped up the water in there with some kitchen roll ( bit tight getting your hands to it ) and hey presto no fault code when switched back on.

Cheers All

Derek D
September 2007
cleaned out the drain plug today and I managed not too fit it back tight enough. As a consequence, had water coming from it during a rinse cycle. Stopped cycle and undid plud with expected consequences of water everywhere. Got the F14 fault and the usual response from Dyson.Read this page and assumed water in bottom tray. Tried all button sequences and "on/off" formats but in the end pulled out machine and angled to one side to drain small amount of water.Left for 10 minutes and whilst still on its side switched on. "Fault cleared". Another £85 saved. If this does'nt work try leaving overnight to dry or even a hair dryer to speed up process. Good Luck

Big Al
September 2007
My dyson has broken 3 times in the 5 year I've had it. Each time I rang Dyson they told me it would be an £85 pound call out fee. However each time thay fixed it I was told because it was a mechanical fault I didn't have to pay anything!! This is ironic because the last time it broke it was totally my fault for washing a massive rug in it that broke the motor. I faked complete shock when told it was that mechanical fault again!
Go Dyson!

June 2007
Had fault code F14 on my Dyson. Followed the instructions on this site and hurrah! my washing machine is working again. thank you! The fault code appeared mid cycle after I'd put in a third lot of washing - maybe it was just too much washing for one evening.

a mum, France
June 2007
Just had power cut...washing machine was mid-cycle now giving F11 fault code and call Dyson. Doors won't open and school uniforms sat in soapy water!! Phoned Dyson wanted £85 for sending an engineer who can't come until Monday!! I know there is no fault with machine not had any probs, purely down to the power failure. Found this website and followed instructions below...RESULT!!! Washing machine now working again!! £85 still in my pocket! Wahoo!!

The power of the internet!! :-)

Sheffield Housewife
April 2007
F3 fault code appeared told 85 pound call out charge. Followed the post by littlebabybird and bingo working straight away.
Dyson know of these faults just a money making scam!
model: cr01

March 2007
I may have found the cause of the F14 fault!!!!!!!!!!!!

The water came out of the screw holes on top of the drum where the transit plate was screwed on. I carefully sealed the tops of the holes with bathroom sealant / silicon sealant and this cured the problem. The water probably came out during the spin cycle.
January 2007
I had the fault code F14.

I removed the top, rear and front cover (the front was trickier to remove). I found a puddle at the bottom inside the washing machine which I dried out thoroughly. The problem remained so I removed the wires from the switch above the white polystyrene float and the problem was cured. I reconnected the wires and I got the F14 message again. I then removed the switch completely and found it was wet! I placed it in the microwave for roughly 20 seconds to dry it out. I reconnected the wires to it and the F14 fault was still there. So I put the switch back in the microwave for a further 10 seconds and then reconnected the wires to it again. This time the fault was gone!

The cause of the puddle???

I checked all the pipes and found they were all ok. There were no tell tale signs of water running down any of the pipes or metalwork. The ONLY possible cause I can think of for this puddle is that when we removed a waterproof bedsheet from the washing machine, trapped water which couldn't escape in the spin cycle spilled out between the inner opening and the outer front cover of the washing machine. This water then splashed on the bottom tray soaking the switch causing it to short and produce a false F14 fault.
September 2006
The fault codes F15 F13 F3 F4 cannot be freed up by pressing the buttons stated, all this does is let you into diagnostic mode, allowing you to run through the chosen wash cycle. the numbers shown after the buttons have been pressed are IE: 670F13F15F4131, the first 3 num are the amount of wash cyc, the second set`s are recorded faults the last 3 num are the soft-wear up grades, when in diag mode and running cotton @ 40% stains, press the start button the screen will display main wash 8, now press the soil button and number will change up and the machine will move to the next stage of the wash cont up to 13 then jump to 15 and so on, the only way to clear fault codes is to turn off then on, if the code stay`s on you will have no choice and will have to fix it your-self or get dyson, F15 is the ramps and servo unit at the back which engauge contrarotation the servo spins round a nylon ring to engauge and disengauge also the same ring pushes micro switches to let the machine know if it has engauged or not,the fault will prob be the servo been slow or lazzy. F13 is your heater elament which is locateded at the front of your machine easy to replace, if the heater unit fails the wash will stop after the second contrarotation stage to continue switch off then on select extra rinse & spin to finish the wash until you get the part,F3/4 are the door locks units, the only way to get rid of the faults off your machine is to replace the problem parts hope this helps i am ok i dont mind stripping my one down my-self.

Richard Seymour
January 2006
dyson showing code f13, phoned dyson who told me id have to pay £85,they must know what this means as they wouldn't code it but obviously wouldn't tell me, tried the methods above but i found that by holding down on off button, temp button and soil button all at the same time it cleared its self
many thanks for the above advise, great help.

December 2005
Dyson CR01 memory.After power cut displayed FAULT F13.Reset as above didnt work. Remove soap draw by pressing yellow button at back of draw,turn screw at bottom right corner anti clockwise hold there and open both doors.Remove clothes and empty machine of water with pump inpection cover. Retry reset with doors open. Mine reset and worked
December 2005
Thank-you. Followed the advice re Fault F4 and all seemes to be working OK again - hope I haven't spoken too soon!

S Crane
October 2005
i had the fault f3 on my dyson cr01 and had tried so many sites for info with no sucess then reading the info on your site turning it on then pressing temp button followed by soil button my machine works fine and my wife loves me again . THANKS for making my day

s mcguinness
November 2004
just like to say a big thanks to all of you for the fault code for my machine it wos driveing me mad

November 2004
hi there, just as a follow up to the above,
on my CR-01 with fault 15 i did what was advised above and it works :)
we turned the machine off at the power on/of button
pressed the power on/off back on while pressing the temperature button then immediately pressed the soil type button.
it gave us the diagnostic code, then we again turned the power off with the power on/off button and back on again
its now working again :)
hope this helps

October 2004
if its the f4 code you do this , turn your machine off turn the machine on while pressing the tempreture button at the same time , then let go of the tempreture button as soon as it turns on then press the soil button within 6 seconds then the diagnostics will appear , turn the machine off then back on and it should work

david smith
September 2004
Try something like this:

Switch the machine on with the 'Mains On/Off' button, then quickly press first the 'Temperature' button, then the 'Soil type' button, one at a time, not both together. If you are not quick enough you will have to switch off and start again. Apologies if this is not quite right. Can anyone try this out, and describe how to take it further?

August 2004
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Free repair help for Dyson washing machines