Recent: Countax site on mower C300h?

Mend Murray Lawn Mowers

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Mend > Lawn Mowers

Mend Murray Rear Engine

Murray 12hp rider doesnt move when in gear ?

I have a 12 hp murray rear engine mower, the other day I mowed my yard with no problems. When I was just about done it quit moving while in gear. You can start it and it will move in 1st gear but the slightest resistant like lowering the deck or going over thick grass causes it to quit moving. It will not drive at all in any other forward gear. thank you

B spaulding
May 2009
Check the condition of the main gearbox drive belt - either it has shredded, or there is a possibility that a spring has come off a tensioner.

May 2009
Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
Mend repair fix Murray lawn mowers

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