If the power light on the box will not change from solid Amber to solid Red then it is possible that a problem has occurred with the current in use software. Before attempting a fix, power the box off and on at the power socket and then wait at least 5 minutes for the solid RED lamp to appear.
If it still remains solid Amber and the box will not come out of standby to ON (Green light) then this can be corrected using the software revert procedure which is done using the box front panel buttons as follows:
1. Remove power to the unit by removing the power cable from the back of the box.
2. Wait 20 seconds and then restore the power cable while pressing the standby button repeatedly on the front panel of the box.
3. Release the standby button immediately when you see a lamp flash on the box's front display, and then immediately press the following front panel arrow buttons in this sequence:
- Menu
- OK
Note: you have to do this quickly and in sequence
4.The Orange light will flash and the STB will then reboot and should return with the previous version of software.
5. The box will now be running with the previous software version but it will automatically update with the latest version within approx 2 hours and you will be notified by message which will appear in the Message area within the Main Menu.
May 2009