Firstly,disconnect the battery and leave for 10 mins.Remove steering column surround.Remove mounting screws from underneath the steering wheel.IIRC,you will need a Torx screwdriver for this.Lift airbag unit and disconnect the wiring.To refit,reverse the procedure.
Remember,you are dealing with an explosive device, so always sit upright in the seat.Don't lean forward or to either side to see what you are doing,use a small mirror if needed.You could be injured if it should deploy while you are not seated correctly.Deployment is highly unlikely but better safe than sorry.Once removed,obviously don't drop it.Always carry it horizontally,away from you,and place it horizontally on a flat surface.
With the front wheels in the straight-ahead position,remove the nut retaining the steering wheel and lift off the wheel.
If you have a code protected radio,make sure you have the code available and know how to enter it.If you don't have the code and the car is less than 10 years old,you should be able to get it from a Citroen dealer.
Hope this helps.I've never done a Xsara but have done other Citroens and are similar to what I have described above.If in doubt,but still want to DIY,then buy a Haynes manual.Have fun!!
Big Al
May 2009