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my clio turns but no spark at plugs anyone who can help?

i just got the clio the other day and was told it was just back box so when drive home it run out of petrol put £10 in light when out tryed starting it it started but cut out when u put foot down . ended up with flat battary got it towed home and so changed battary , now the car turns but no spark at plugs ,plugs r ok. but it has not got a imobiliser key so it must of been turned off as the keys she give me were cuts. but as i took battary off would this of reset it. anyone help thanks

April 2009
Sounds like your immobiliser is engaged. Have you had a Renault before? Usually they have to be locked and unlocked with the remote fob to allow the car to start, but you dont give enough details about the car so I dont know about yours.

Phone the seller and ask how they started it. I assume it is the same as my Laguna and has a bypass code which has to be entered manually. A previous owner may have fitted a bypass kit.

April 2009
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Free repair help for Clio cars