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Mend Gala Toilet Help

how to stop a Gala toilet cistern constantly dribbling water into the pan?

Thanks to Bob's help I can now remove the cistern lid, but I can't see how to dismantle the flushing tube to get at the washer that I guess needs replacing. Any suggestions ? Also, where might I buy the washer ?

April 2009
how to remove cistern cover

September 2012
I have this problem to but now the toilet wont even flush anymore, when pressing the button there is no resitance at all.

April 2012
if you take top of cistern off you will see that the flush unit is seperate from the water supply unit on my one the two units wasnt alligned properly and the flush unit was being pushed against by the water inlet unit and was causing a break between the seal and bottom of cystern causing water to continuously flow into pan i just loosened up the water inlet and ball valve turned away from flush unit about 1/4 of an inch tightened it all back up never had a problem since

April 2011
Have same problem with my Gala WC been to B and Q today and bought an armitage shanks WC for £99

November 2010
I too have this problem. I'm a complete novice but have managed to stop the dripping by unscrewing the bottom of the flushing mechansm, cleaning the washer and applying vaseline as advised earlier and replacing. I have been unfortunate enough to have moved into a house with 3 of these awful toilets, all with the same problem :(

February 2010
I'd be interested too. I am sure the flapper valve needs replacing or turned around but I don;t know how to get to it.

November 2009
yeah, i had this problem, turned the rubber seal round other way, smear all seals with small vaseline, works a treat now...

Jimell Fixit
June 2009
Apologies for suggesting that Gala cisten assemble should be turned clockwise, of course it should be turned anti-clockwise when looking from top of cistern. Reversing the washer and cleaning the seating into which the washer seals had no effect. If no spares are available then a complete new compatible cisten will need to be fitted. The additional water leak would account for big increase in water consumption recorded by my water meter.

May 2009
Fred and Wayne

Same problem with my Gala cistern. Removed assembly by rotating clockwise and then reversed washer with no real improvement. Anyone know where to obtain new washer or complete flushing assembly? B & Q will not sell separately.

May 2009
Sorry Wayne, still haven't fixed it ! I am reliably informed that the tube is likely to be a bayonet style fitting, like a light bulb, but I haven't dared apply sufficient force to make it come to pieces.
I'm also reliably informed that it will be the washer - new ones are as rare as hen's teeth, but apparently it can often be cured by turning the washer upside-down - if only one could get at it !

May 2009
Hi Fred

Did you ever get this problem fixed, as we have the same problem with our Gala toilet and need to determine what the cause of the problem is so that we can fix it. Was it the washer?



May 2009
Mend D.I.Y, Toilets
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