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Mend Whirlpool Dishwashers

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Mend > Dishwashers

Mend Whirlpool Dwh B10 Dishwasher

Whirlpool Dhw b10w?

Hi, About 15-20 seconds into a program on our Whirlpool DWH B10 W dishwasher, the machine bleeps and sounds as if it is draining. On opening the door we find that start button is flashing (indicating a fault occuring) and sometimes it also show a light on the pre-rinse. The drainage pipe and water fill have been checked and seem OK.The dishwasher is only used once a week and is just over a year old! any idea? Thank Paul

April 2009
above link now dead...

June 2012
Hi - We had exactly the same fault. After alot of searching I fixed my IKEA (Whirpool) DWH B10 using this link. Fault was drain - 4 flashes - count these under the start button. Works fine now!

September 2009
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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Dishwashers
Find out how to mend Whirlpool dishwashers