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Mend Plumbing

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Mend Water Out Between

water poors out from between cistern and toilet when flushing ?

water poors out from between toilet and cistern when flushing no water leeking out when cisern is full and not flushing

April 2009
This is due to the sealing washer between the cistern and toilet pan being broken or distorted. It called a doughnut washer - because of its shape. It needs to be replaced, which means that the cistern has to be disconnected from the pan to get access. Available from B&Q etc they cost around £2, and its a good ideal to spread some silicone sealant around the edges for good measure when the two parts are brought together again.

April 2009

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Mend D.I.Y, Plumbing
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Mend D.I.Y, Plumbing
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