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Mend Servis Washing Machines

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Mend Servis Help Problem Spin

Where about are the brushes located on a servis 900 washer/dryer?

Hi i need help trying to locate the "brushes" on my servis 900 washer/dryer?

-the problem im having is the machine wont spin? any ideas how to fix this i am clueless?

any help would be greatly appreciated thanks very much.

April 2009
Brushes are little rectangular, graphite fellows on springs that deliver electrical power to the rotating part of the motor. Like a pencil, they wear out over time and when they begin to fail badly the motor runs rough and sometimes a bit smelly.

Heres a vid of someone changing WM motor brushes on a bench...

From what you say, however, I doubt that you have a problem with the brushes - not if the wash cycle works OK - with bad brushes the spin cycle would be slow, rough, noisy, smelly and lumpy.

If the motor works during the Washing Cycle but not on the Spin cycle then you may well have a control or motor control issue - call an engineer.

Good luck...

April 2009
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Click here to mend Servis washing machines

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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
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