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Mend Diplomat Dishwashers

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Mend Diplomat Dishwasher Thing

Diplomat fully intagrated dishwasher error E2?

An odd thing this is. Initially it pumps water out then several bleeps, then stops with E2 error. Took sump type thing apart in bottom and cleaned out, also pulled m/c out and laid discharge pipe down to drain all water, reinstated m/c. Re-run programme, it then filled, emptied, filled and did main wash (took about 15 mins on rapid), then emptied again, then filled and as soon as the jets started again it bleeps and again E2. This time the pump kept running and discharged the remaining water, then it stopped!

Any ideas?


January 2006
Hi - I have a Diplomat ADP8224 and had the same problem this week (4/12). There is an article here about this problem:

I've had an engineer out in the past when it was under warranty and he changed the white matrix both times to fix this.

I basically did what the article said, dragged a garden hose into the kitchen and put some high pressure water through the white matrix at the bottom of the dishwasher. If you hold the hose there, dirty water eventually starts coming out of some vent on the side. I tried starting the programme a couple of times after this. It didn't work first time, but I obviously did something right because it is now working OK. I finished off with a strong programme, one I don't normally use, to flush it out a bit more.

Hope this helps.

Tony Smith
December 2006
Hi I have a Diplomat 8221. In the booklet it says to do this for E2 Errors.
"The dishwasher has loaded too much water and the safety level switch has been tripped.
Repear the cycle. If the problem persists, contact the after - sales service."
Not much help really but that is what the booklet says to do.

February 2006
Sorry this isn't an answer, but I am having exactly the same problem. My dishwasher is ADP8224. I tried to ring Custoemr Services, but the number I have on the manual is longer working.
The manual also says Error E2 does not exist for this model.

Let me know if you find any answers. I will do the same!

Simon, Leeds
January 2006
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Dishwashers
Find out how to mend Diplomat dishwashers

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Find out how to mend Diplomat dishwashers