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Mend Vectra Will 03 Reg

How much will it cost to repair my Vectra 03 reg cdti?

My oil light has been intermittently coming on, but does not need oil. When I came off the motorway recently the oil light came on, and there was a loss of power and now the engine management light is on. I have took it to a garage where codes P1616, P1614, P0234, P0380 and P0070 are recorded. I have the descriptions but can anyone advise if they are stored codes or present codes and as to how much it is going to cost me to get the car repaired?

A Watts
April 2009
Hi Nigel

Thanks for the reply, the codes have been cleared by the garage at the moment but have been advised to go to a Vauxhall dealer to clear them properly. They appear to reset themselves once the car has got warm, or when I do over 70mph.

A Watts
April 2009
Hi, apart from the first two codes none of the others are linked to each other, or the oil warning light, which makes them look like spurious faults, the only way to find out is get the codes erased and then if you can ( with the first two codes) start ? and drive the car for 20~30 miles then get the codes read again and if they are still there fault find them one at a time, if none are present then it was just spurious false warnings and the oil light could be just be a dodgy low pressure switch. nige110162 at hotmail dot co dot uk

April 2009
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