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Mend Hoover Washing Door Latch

how to fix my hoover washing machine door latch spring?

the hoover washing machine is hnl6166 the latch has broken i have a new handle latch and spring the problem i have is knowing the correct positioning of the spring so i can reconnect the door.

March 2009
Have just found this thread after numerous failed attempts to replace the broken plastic door handle on my Hoover Nextra HNWL3136. Kept thinking I had it only for the spring to fail to tension so was left waggling about when all put together. Stupidly hadn't checked which way the spring was meant to go so confirmation here that the 'hooks' of the spring face outward (away from the hinge side) and the flat bit of the spring sits below and behind the metal latch (towards the hinged side) greatly appreciated. Used some cotton thread doubled up and put around the spring hooks. Gently pulling as I clipped the two bits of the door together did the trick. Held the two parts together and put in the two Torx screws back in before going around clicking the whole thing back together and installing remaining screws. Genius. I know this thread is old but I wanted to save skipping the machine. A replacement handle direct from Hoover for £10 plus shipping will hopefully give it a little longer yet... Thanks for the thread.

June 2022
Thanks for the help.

You need to tension the spring against a bit of the plastic moulding of the door. As you clip both halves of the door together it's easy for the spring to go the other side of the little moulding "wall". The result is a floppy handle - which is nearly useless.

As you reassemble both halves of the door, place one of the bent legs of the spring (only one required) against this little grey plastic wall. You will then have tension in the handle and all will be fine.

Once you have tension in the handle, just clip the door together and bolt it up.

Andrew Smith
October 2012
The trick is the spring, getting it in the correct position.

After a few goes, i finally got it.

the hooks go towards you when being fitted, and the loop goes to the left of the metal catch (with the 'lip' to the right).

Struggled, but eventually succeeded!
September 2012
the string is vital. 3 of us just spent half a day trying to fix this and decided to google it, thanks everyone!

July 2012
Brilliant!! And to think i was about to phone a engineer to come and look at the door handle. Must have saved atleast £40 on a call out fee. Been trying to fix for 3 days after ordering the part to fix it myself.

Thanks for the advice, worked a treat using the string as tension.


January 2012
Well it looks easy enough but til I found this web page, I had been struggling for 3 days trying to fit a catch on my Hoover Nextra! It's impossible without the string and whoever came up with this idea I wish I could kiss you!!! Just make sure the hooks of the spring are facing outwards, loop string around the hooks and pull towards the middle as you click the door back into place and that's it should be done! If you again struggle like I did to get the door back on because of the hooks that latch onto the door, just place a screwdriver into the square holes where the hooks go, and lever forward then slot in your door...done

I can do anything me...usually
April 2011
Have just fitted a new door handle on a Hoover Nextra using the info in this thread. Many thanks to everyone who contributed as I doubt I would have fathomed it out for many hours.

The secret is to ensure the spring has the two hooks at the top facing outwards and that the bottom part of it is behind the catch. Then using a piece of string around the two hooks at the top of the spring pull it towards the hinge side of the door to get some tension. Then fit the outer casing to the main body of the door at the catch end and screw in place using two torx screws. There is still enough leeway on the hinge side of the door to locate the pins in the hinges and complete fixing the outer casing. Hope this makes it even easier for people to follow.

January 2011
I am having same probs with the positioning of the door catch SPRING... please can we have diagram's or pics ???????

December 2010
Does anyone have a picture of the fitting in place?

October 2010
Same problem - is a star head screwdriver the same as a phillips screwdriver ? - I am having problems getter the inner door off

October 2010
I too need to fix the handle. My problem is that the handle has snapped off in my hand with the door closed. How can I get the door open to fix it? ( and get the wet washing out!!)

Thanks for your help, in advance!

August 2010
yes alberto Balsams info is really useful but i am still unable to fit my handle - can anyone please take a picture of theirs in place?!? my partner already dismantled it before i could take a look :o(((
it wont let me type a message leaving an email add

Laura Quigley
January 2010
anyone struggling you need to read alberto balsam's instructions above they helped me finally fit new handle its the positioning of the spring that is so important so take time to note the way it goes before removing old parts good luck!

diy girl
December 2009
You will need, star head screwdrivers and a pair of pin nosed pliers. Remove the door from the machine. 2 holding screws and then lift up. Place the door glass down and take the 6 srews from the inside of the door. They are all star heads. Now carefully prise appart the two bits. The door hinge may come off make yourself aware of its orientation. Take a pic. You will see the handle mechanism. Take a pic if you can as the spring orientation is tricky. With pin nosed pliers carefully pull out the metal rod. The metal catch will drop out downwards. take out the broken handle with spring in correct orientation, take a pic. Slide in the replacement handle with the spring in the same orientation. Now replace handle and spring into origional position. From below slot in the metal catch, pointed bit outwards. Spring should sit pushing against flat side of metal catch (the other5 side to the pointed bit), with the hook like bits of the spring upwards. Push back in the metal rod, through housing spring and new handle. Now replace the top white part and check the door handle pulls out the catch and is replaced by the spring mechanism. If so screw back the 6 screws and replace the door.
If at any time the spring orientation confuses you refer to the pictures, I didnt take any and I wish I had. It took me a while to suss it.

alberto Balsam
September 2009
Have a hoover nextra. The string solution works perfectly. could not belive how easy it was.

June 2009
This is tricky to fit properly - drove me crazy!

Take door off (2 screws on Door hinge)
Remove screws from door plate to reveal lock.

Replace with new handle, noting that catch hook faces outwards. Spring is placed with hooks facing outwards.

hook 6" loop of string around spring - you're going to use the string to pull the spring towards the centre

PLace door plate back on and fit in place, pulling string(and spring!) to ensure correct tension.

replace screws on plate, then replace door on machine with 2 hinge screws

April 2009
I had the same problem with the same machine. Suggest you take the whole door off as this makes it easier to work with. Unscrew the 5 screws and gently prise apart the 2 sections. Fit the new catch and as you put the 2 sections back together push the springs inwards making sure there is sufficient oppostion/ resistance on the catch to shut the door. hope this helps.

April 2009
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Mend repair fix Hoover washing machines

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Mend repair fix Hoover washing machines