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Renault Scenic - Check Injection Problem?

I have a 2004 1.9dci scenic and the 'check injection' message has been on for a month or so. I took it to a local garage today and they said that it is probably the fuel system and that it is a common problem with scenics. He reckons it will be around £2000k to fix. Does anyone know anything about this, is it true or should I be looking for a second opinion.

Peter B
March 2009
I have Renault scenic 2006 15 diesel Injection light on and wont start changed filter checked for fuel and checked both sansors

Dave Keeling
March 2022
Hi i drive a scenic but dont want to start at all!!!! First it was low batery..... Then check injection???? Now doesnt waant to start.... Want to k ow what the prob can be?

Please help......

May 2016
mine is 2005 renault 1.9 dci ...i just put key in started engine put my foot on clutch and brake pressed button on stem while on service in x amount of miles held button down service flashed then stoped flashing ,,,service light has now gone off and also the reading saying check injectors has now gone off

April 2015
2006 renault scenic 2.0 16 valve. It gives me a msg of check injection. How would I know whete to test or get the problem?

February 2015
I have a Renault Laguna 1.9 Dci.

The check injector warning came on. Lot's of white smoke out of the exhaust and now in limp mode.

Any ideas without going to the expense of being put on a machine that so far all research suggests can't tell the problem.

May 2014
hi there i have a renault grand scenic 2 1.9dci with check injection on the dash i got it looked at and the turbo had gone had the turbo replaced now the car wont start as any1 got any ideas

matty g
October 2013
May be faulty glow plug message. goes. Off when warm

j walker.
August 2013
i have an old renault scenic megane 1999,the zig zag light comes on after driving for ten mins (handbook says possible fault in fuel injector) its the petrol model , any cheap way of fixing, suggested cause?

March 2013
hi got megan 1.9 arror message come up. check injection, lose of power any ideas

jackie land
December 2012
ive jsut got the same problem on a 60 plate renault clio S :|

July 2012
Hi,got same fault,2004 1.9 Grand Scenic,garage replaced the sensor,(10 min job) seems ok .fingers crossed

June 2012
Hi Have a renault scenic 1.9 deisel
Intermitent starting,Every thing fine once started.
Could it have something to do with emobiliser as it turns over ok but will just not fire up sometimes Colin

June 2011
hi, my 2006 1.5 dynamique started showing the check injector message last year, and my mechanic said some glow plugs were done but i needed a new injector £250. So i checked out some forums and did what one guy said and took car for a blast up the motorway - problem solved until just recently. from cold car very rough and lumpy with smoke. once warm runs fine. going to take it to mechanic later this week but terrified of possible bill. Anyone any similar experience.

Gary Mc Dowell
May 2011
My 1.9dci keeps coming up with check injection but today lost power badly, also had regenarate fap last week took for a blast and seemed to sort out.

February 2011
first change your fuel filter, then put injector cleaner in your tank and take it for a drive. hopefully it will cure it..

September 2010
Hi, I know the "Check Injection" error message is old message, march 2009. My wife had the same one yesterday, I went and had a look, had to buy a Haynes manual first. Checked the "Diesel engine fuel and Exhaust systems" chapter.

Checked the general information, for the main componants. The fault finding chapter, engine misfires or idles unevenly.

Both parts point towards the air filter, (cheapest part of the system to eliminate £13.90). Changed this, found old one clogged, leaves, a fag butt. Vacumed the box out, new one in, problem gone.

The air filter clogged up lowers the air intake must lower the air flow, which is being monitored by the air flow monitor.

The same problem existed in my car, citreon picasso, again checked the manual and went for the cheapest option, air filter, lack of maintenance on my behalf as you do, try and fix it when it breaks.

May 2010
Could be a number of things but the last post is a good starting point. If you only get the message after a cold start but not after starting the engine again after a good run it is likely to be a Glow Plug problem.

If the warning message appears and at the same time you experience a lack of power then it is likely to be a more serious problem with the fuel system.

December 2009
I have a 2005 Grand Scenic 1.9d 130 since new. The Check Injection has came on 5 times in the first 2 years. The first time was down to a faulty glow plug and last four times have been down to a "gummed up" butterfly valve that just needs cleaning. (Not sure where fitted) All covered on warranty but has now come on again now warranty has run out. Definetly not anything like £2000 to fix.

Tony w
July 2009
had same problem about year ago replaced glow plug seemed to fix problem never had message since.£16 for plugs

c simpson
April 2009
hi there... does this warning go if you warm up the car,turn of, and restart a minuite or so later ...i have been told it could be faulty glow plugs or the glow plug relay apparently the plugs are around £20 relay £8.. i got the same problem and will be giving it a
try some time soon.

March 2009
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Mend repair fix Renault Scenic cars

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