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Mend Vauxhall Vectra Starting Battery Problem

my vauxhall vectra wont start?

My diesel 2l vauxhall vectra is not starting. Although it sounds like a battery problem the battery has been checked and is fine. Do you think it could be the heater plugs? or any other suggestions. What about a relay and how do I trace it, it has actually had a diagnostic test and nothing showed up. It turns over then seems to die. Please help.

jane wilkinson
December 2005
v6 keys got bent now will no start , I can get in and it started first time then cut out like there was a cut off in the supply of pet as it just ran for a short while now will not start .turns over but will not catch. Key still shuts and opens doors. Help as I am in a tow away zone please reply to please I am going away offshore at 6 ion the morning monday 5the Feb a real bummer as it will cost me more than the car is worth over 14 days
February 2007
Is the engine turning over ?
Does it turn over a bit then doesn't turn over.
If it is turning over but doesn't start when cold it would suggest glow plugs.
need a bit more info really though.

December 2005
a friend of mine had a similar prob, it turned out to be a leak-off pipe, get it checked out, this will not show up on a diagnostic check.

December 2005
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