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Mend Renault Clio Cars

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Mend Renault Clio Problems Immobiliser Appear

Problems with immobiliser Renault clio?

My car won't start.

It would appear to be a problem with the immobiliser.

Can anyone offer a solution?

John R
March 2009
also try cleaning the relays righthand side under bonnet

michael j
April 2009
I had a problem with a Megane with the immobiliser de-codes it self and the right way to fix it is to have a garage with a de-coding machine do it and it will work as normal again, but as a temporary solution you have a immobiliser code which you might have in you hand book or you will get from a Renault dealer and you can use the immobiliser button which is by the steering wheel below, to the side somewhere. With the code you can use the button to switsh the immobiliser off. Example if you code is 2222 you press the button twice, pause for a second then press twice again and repeat for the 4 times then turn the ignition on and this should start you car. i am no expert but this worked for me, but renault immobilisers are known for this problem..

March 2009
Mend Vehicles, Cars
Mend repair fix Renault Clio cars

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Mend repair fix Renault Clio cars