Dyson do a complete repair service, in your home, all necessary parts included and with a guarantee for £65 (last time I looked).
If a motor has failed, that's the motor to replace, plus the post motor filter. Total is £45-£50, plus shipping. For the extra tenner and a guaranteed job, it's not worth getting your hands dirty.
We had our machine done. As well as the motor, the gut replaced the clutch (Actually seemed OK, but he reckoned it was wearing) and the cyclone (I think there had been a safety issue as the new one had a safety latch that stopped it being released accidentally if you picked up the vacuum with the handle on top of the cyclone.)
We ended up with about £100-£120 of bits, fitted, all for £65.
Just go to the Dyson website and work through to support.
March 2009