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Mend Renault Megane Cars

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Mend repair fix Renault Megane cars

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Mend Renault Megane Rt R Reg

How can i fix my Renault megane RT R reg 1.4?

As i am driving along, when i come to a stop at traffic lights or a junction and keep my foot on brake or something, my car starts to shudder, and its not the idle thing. and 2 times this has happened is when i just start to drive it down the road a bit the engine will just cut out completly and i have to restart it again but thats only happened twice in space of month.and another problem is that my cat on the car sounds like theres loads of stones going round in it. could someone help me solve these problems im not very good with cars.

March 2009
that sounds like the cat has gone but shop around as can cost alot

March 2009
i think you have probably answered your own question the cat is loose internally causing it to move in its housing and restrict exhaust emissions thus causing excess backpressure in the exhaust system and causing your engine to stall .if left, in time the restriction could cause your car to fail and not run at all or worse cause internal damage to your engine //answer new cat

March 2009
Mend Vehicles, Cars
Mend repair fix Renault Megane cars

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Mend Vehicles, Cars
Mend repair fix Renault Megane cars