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Mend Rover 45 Heater Works 2001

rover 45 heater blower/ AC blower only works in positions iii & iiii?

my rover 45 ( x - 2001 )
Heater/ AC blower has just starter to fail to work in positions i & ii. yet it works in positions iii & iiii although this is OK am worried other problems may arise or will completely fail if leave alone. any advice would be appreciated on what the problem is and any way to repair.

Cheers in Advance

peter ward
December 2005
Hi i own a rover 45 but its heats problem is it blows consistant cold air all the time. Can u help me at fineding were it is.

March 2013
Trying to see if I have removed rite part of my heater for resistor on top of heater box on 54 plate rover 45 it as lots of alloy prong on and no four pin plug can anyone help

September 2012
help i have got a rover45 and it heats up lovely on on full tho but my problem is it blows consistant cold air from passenger side footwell also when i go thro a car wash lots of water leaks in footwell any help much appreciated thanx wendy.

wendy porter
January 2012
my friend same problem not worked on 1/2 now 3/4 stopped two changed fuse and it just blew again stripped dash middle but could not see how 2 fix it going 2 garage 2001 diesel

w bird
November 2010
The blower on 1 & 2 packed up on my Rover 45. I left it for ages because I didn't want to pay out forty quid including fitting to a garage. Then I saw a guy on ebay advertising a cure for the problem for £4.25 inclusive of shipping. Full of doubt, I contacted the guy via email. He seemed decent enough, so I decided to go ahead. The resistors with instructions arrived on Saturday while I was at work. I also worked Sunday arriving home around 6.00pm. I had my dinner, and at seven o'clock thought I would have a look at the job. At each bottom corner of the glove box there is a hex head Phillips screw. I removed each one, and the dash pocket came away. Immediately in front of me I saw the board that needed removing, held in by two phillips screws, and also a plug going in the top of the board. I tried to remove the plug and failed, so I removed the two phillips screws, and lifted the board out on the end of the plug and leads. I could then see that you just need to insert a flat screwdriver and press the brown tab in, on the plug to release it. I fitted all three resistors as supplied, as per the wiring diagram. I put the board back, screwed the two screws back in, pushed the plug back in position, and tried the blower. I was amazed, - absolute perfection. I then screwed the two hex head screws back and shut the dash pocket. The time was now eight o'clock. I saved forty quid and was well pleased. Not bad for an OAP, who can't see too well unless the light is really good. The ebay name of the guy I got the stuff from is ' nufuel.' His name is Neil and I phoned him up to tell him what a great deal he gave me. You should try him too. The job is a doddle.

October 2009
When 1 and 2 stop working it's because there's a little resistor that's gone. Mind you it'll cost thirty odd quid for the resistor.

I believe the resistor is behind the glove compartment or something. I paid to have it replaced.

October 2008
Just repaired my Rover 45 Heater with very cheap ebay purchased resistors (from who also gave great (online) step by step instructions. All working great now after a couple of years with only positions 3 & 4 working.
*** Job does require someone owns and who knows how to handle a soldering iron. ***
Thanks for all the help.

Mark Smith
April 2008
Hi Peter,

The heater resistor might be the problem. I am going to change it on the weekend on my own Rover 45, my heater is not working on position 1 and 2 neither. You have got same phenomenons of your car, so that is why I strongly think it is
problem on your car as well.

Go and have a look on Ebay...

March 2008
resistors required for heater are £5 plus £1 p&p for 2. you will get them on ebay.

steve killick
December 2007
The problem is caused by a worn out resistor. A new one will cost around £30.
It is located on the top of the blower unit behind the glovebox.
Remove glovebox via two screws, disconnect the power to resistor, undo two screws and replaced with new resistor. Simple job even for a novice.

December 2006
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