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Mend USB Pen Drives

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Mend Memory, USB Pen Drives
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Mend > USB Pen Drives

Mend Repair Full Water

how to repair a pen drive which has become wet?

the pen drive fell into a bucket full of water and when i removed it, it had stopped working.
Can nybody help me out?

February 2009
I also had the same prob, if your pendrive is soaked with soapy water, wash it again with clean water and keep it under the fan for atleast 4 hrs for assuring that the pendrive is completeley dry.{I also thought it could damage the pendrive, but what to is already damaged}. If your pendrive is openable open it with less force and clean the chip and other parts with a cloth.I hope it works!!

January 2014
a pen drive is totally sealed electrically, so you just need to shake it dry and use it as before.

January 2014
Mend Memory, USB Pen Drives
Find out how to mend usb pen drives

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Mend Memory, USB Pen Drives
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