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Mend Mira Baths and Showers

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Mend > Baths and Showers

Mend Mira Electric Cold Water

Why Does my Shower not work Properly?

I have a Electric Shower a Mira Elite 2 and without the fuse on it does not work at all. But all of a sudden it only give out Cold water but no hot at all. The shower needs power to work so its not a tripped switch. I hope someone can help please.

August 2004
Check the thermal cut out they often go faulty also any micro switches connected to the pressure switch

September 2004
I think reading between the lines what yopu are saying is when the fuse is put in circuit, the shower will work, but only provides cold water, no heat. If this is the case, I would put my money on it being the heating element. If so you'll need to replace either the water cylinder with the element or replace the shower depending upon what works out cheaper.

September 2004
Mend Bathroom Appliances, Baths and Showers
Free repair help for Mira baths and showers

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Mend Bathroom Appliances, Baths and Showers
Free repair help for Mira baths and showers