The handset could be momentarily set to "TV MODE". If you press the remote "Help button" and the "AV Channel" on the TV is "notched up" from say EXT1 to EXT2; for the various SCART connection available, then fix it by pressing the "SKY button" then doing the other stuff. My wife regularly propels the remote across the room "It Don't Work" style. I pick it up, do the above "Game over"... Incidentaly the sky remotes dont like to be "bathed" in juice, beer and stuff. The membrane switches carry that contaminate for a very long time without drying out. They can be disassembled and "washed/flushed" out with mild soapy warm water. Then allow to dry naturally (Airing cupboard for a couple of hours does the trick). It will have lost its "TV make pass, thru code number". So reprogram that after reassembly. One problem is the disassembly requires a small "Tri Cornered screw driver". If all else fails go to "TLC direct" and get a replacement handset for £9.95. Cheap as chips. ASDA and other places sell them too but at extorionate prices.
February 2009