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Mend Norelco Electric Shavers/Razors

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Mend Bathroom Appliances, Electric Shavers/Razors
Free repair help for Norelco electric shavers/razors

Mend > Electric Shavers/Razors

Mend Norelco



February 2009
I have used those cheap sharpeners from Dr. leonards and they do improve the blade for a short while, but then the sand paper they use gets torn up over usage, around the edges especialy, so to use a fine oil stone or honing stone sounds good to me, like D. Ford says above, at least i will try it, just as quick as i can remember where i last put the stone.

February 2010
I have a rotary electric shaver with 2 heads.
I have found that i can sharpen the blades by taking the head apart and to place the blade assembly FLAT on a 'fine' oil stone.
Then use the motor/drive to turn the blades on the stone for about 30 seconds applying a gentle pressure.
Then wash the blades in warm soapy water and rinse in something like aftershave lotion.
When re-assembled i have found a great difference.

Hope this might help.

Davyd Ford
August 2009
Mend Bathroom Appliances, Electric Shavers/Razors
Free repair help for Norelco electric shavers/razors

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Mend Bathroom Appliances, Electric Shavers/Razors
Free repair help for Norelco electric shavers/razors