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Mend Seiko Wrist Watches

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Mend Seiko Time Ideas Auto

my seiko kinetic watch jumps 2 sec at a time any ideas?

I bought a seiko kinetic auto relay wristwatch (model No 5J22) on eBay and on recieving it find that it moves 2 sec at once. Can this be rectified?

Graham W
January 2009
Thank you this
info fixed mine

October 2021
Same problem. Found this thread and did the 500-700 side-to-side (actually 750 just to be safe) and it worked like a charm. Had picked up the watch on ebay and had noticed the 2-second jump, which I was familiar with with some of my quartz Seikos. Give it a try before you bring it to a watchmaker or watch-repair jeweler.

February 2019
Swinging it did not fix mine, mine probably needs a new capacitor, I hava had mine over 10 years

April 2013
Yes i just bought a seiko kinetic watch brand new over $850.00. It jumps 2 sec and also date won't change. I then wore it for 2 whole days- yes, and it starts its normal interval and change the data automatically. You must have patience and wear it and it works. This is the problem with kinetic watch.

d wang
March 2013
Thanks for the advice. My Seick Kinetic watch second hand was jumping 2 second beats. I had to shake it for at least 5 mins before it returned to normal. I must confess that I had not worn it for at leasst 6 Months

Barry Whitford
August 2012
It is clearly pointed out in the manual that this is due to low charge. If the watch has been left for a long period without beig worn this wil happen (mine is doing exactly the same).
Shake it for a period of time ( a number of minutes) and it will eventually spring to life.
Read the instructions carefully on how to set it up nce working poperly.

April 2010
when it does that its lost its charge new capacitor needed

June 2009
2 second hand jump indicates low charge on the internal capacitor. It is a power saving feature. If not hand wound or swing wound, the watch will shutdown to save power. You can either wear it or handwind the watch.

Note: Seiko Kinetics are not light power like the Citizen EcoDrives, strong light will only heat up the watch and possibly cause damage.

June 2009
In the manual (which you can download from Seiko) if the second hand is moving at 2 sec intervals the capacitor is at low charge. Seiko recommends to swing the watch side to side 500 to 700 times.

February 2009
How old is it - mine did the same (7years old) because the capacitor wouldn't hold a charge. Solution is new capacitor - if you think you can DIY they are available on eBay else will cost £60+ at a watchmakers.

February 2009
The 2 second jump is an indication of low charge. Put it on and go for a long walk with your arms swinging. Download a manual to find out more

February 2009
expose the watch to STRONG LIGHT, may have a low state of charge
or the battery backup is failing

January 2009
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