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Mend CTD80 Tumble Dryers

Mend Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers
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Mend > Tumble Dryers

Mend CTD80 Help Blowing Fuses

Help fuse keeps blowing ?

I keep putting new fuses in ultimate ctd80 tumble dryer but it keeps blowing as soon as i plug it in, socket is fine as it runs washing machine fine? Any ideas please

January 2009
Sarah - stop wasting money replacing fuses only for them to blow again...

Your machine has an electrical fault that needs an engineer - the fuses are blowing because the fault in the tumble dryer is causing too much current to flow.

January 2009
Mend Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers
Find out how to mend CTD80 tumble dryers

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Mend Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers
Find out how to mend CTD80 tumble dryers