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Mend USB Pen Drives

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Mend > USB Pen Drives

Mend Format Pendrive Disk

unable to format my kingston 32gb pendrive?

unable to format my 32gb pendrive i have tried i various ways and i also used the HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool to format but still i was unable to format.
It displaying the error stating that failed to format.

i have also tried with by right clicking on mycomputer and go to disk management and i tried to format then it is displaying error message that format failed
could u suggest me the appropriate solution to this.
i even tried in dos prompt but still could not resolve the issue.
Suggest me an appropriate solution to resolve this issue.
January 2009
format my pen drive 5 yrs warrency 32 gb

February 2010
User this command from command line
"format /x drive letter" eg if your drive is d:"format /x d:"
This should help

January 2010
kingston 32 not format it is showing write protected error

November 2009
I have format the pen drive through cmd command but half of the pen drive is full

Ankur Goel
June 2009
you can go to run
then cmd
then u can format the drive from there and it will be done

January 2009
Mend Memory, USB Pen Drives
Click here to mend usb pen drives

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Mend Memory, USB Pen Drives
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