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Mend Renault Clio Problem Start

renault clio starter problem?

it seems i have the same problem as many on here i will go out to my car some days and it just wont start tho others it will. i can drive somewhere and when i return to my car it just does not want to start again. i notice the ignition light flash continously very fast when it wont start. I have taken it to a garage they have put a new starter motor on and the prob re occured pretty soon after. also had electrics done seem to be spending loads and getting no where. does this sound like the immobiliser problem ?? My ariel is broken on the top of my car there fore water wud leak in ....., (clio 01)

January 2009
I have a 1996/7 1.4RT Clio. My starter motor went so i got a re-conditioned one from a local parts factor. fitted it and worked allthough a bit noisey. It has since stopped working and won't turn the engine over at all.
Someone has surrgested that i have fitted it wrong? the lugg is located and the bolts went in fine??
Anyone got any ideas???

DJ Jon Boy
October 2011
hi, i found when my clio did not start and was not ticking over and the red light was flashing,this is only a quick fix to get you home but turn the key as if you would to start the car leave on all lights on dash board will be showing then disconnect the battery for a few mins then after that time reconnect battery and turn the key back off then immediatly restart the the car and it should work just to get you home.

May 2010
hi i drove my car to the shops it was running perfectly well,then when i returned it would not start at all.battery fine,plenty of petrol,any ideas,it just wudnt turn over

January 2010
buy a new sensor aswell and put that in. water usually just wrecks the wee sensor. wrap it in kitchen roll and cling film to protects it fro further water problems.

December 2009
could be the crank angle sensor mounted between engine and gearbox under the inlet trunking two bolts and electrical conector it seems this is renaults bigest seller so ive read. Its costs around £25 and 10 mins to fit. I have yet to do it on my car as i have the same problem but its worth a go, wait till the weather picks up. good luck

February 2009
thank you for your help so far i am gonna change the key battery, but also am rather concerned about the immobiliser been damaged. is this an expensive fix. i know blocking the hole may fix it as it would stop the water coming in (this has now been done). btw.. when i say flashing red light yes it is the one on dash neer all the other warning lights. thanks for help so far

January 2009
when you say the light flashes fast do you mean the red led on the instrument panel,if so that is the immobilizer staying on and you probably need a new key.try pressing the key as if unlocking the car as you turn the key,that sometimes works.

January 2009
immob problem,water contaminated sensor,leaking round roof ariel/sunroof

January 2009
it sounds like immob problem as the lights flashing.......change the battery in your key as well could be that and as for the hole i would block it as most clios have the sensor for remote locking up there.....may well be water damaged but i would defo change the battery

January 2009
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