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Mend Renault Find Charge Battery

how can i find out why my renault 19 16v wont hold charge in battery?

my renault 19 16v has had several batterys on it and when you start the car the battery dies, it will start with a bump start, have checked both alternator and starter. is the any other problems that mayb i cud check for?

January 2009
This from Wikipedia may be significant...

The field windings are initially supplied via the ignition switch and charge warning light, which is why the light glows when the ignition is on but the engine is not running. Once the engine is running and the alternator is generating, a diode feeds the field current from the alternator main output, thus equalizing the voltage across the warning light which goes out. The wire supplying the field current is often referred to as the "exciter" wire. The drawback of this arrangement is that if the warning light fails or the "exciter" wire is disconnected, no excitation current reaches the alternator field windings and so the alternator, due to low residual magnetism in the rotor will not generate any power. However, some alternators will self-excite when the engine is revved to a certain speed. The driver may check for a faulty exciter-circuit by ensuring that the warning light is glowing with the engine stopped.

January 2009
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