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Mend Renault Megane Cars

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Mend Renault Megane Front Pads

replace front brake pads renault scenic `96?

How do I get the front brake pads out for replacement on Renault Megane scenic?

December 2008
how long would it take to change the front disc and pads on my renault megane scenic

March 2012
hello simon.i haven't got a scenic but i have a megane so i presume that the principle is the same so there might be a slight difference. firstly jack up your car, use axle stands and remove the wheel.ensure your handbrake is on and chock your rear wheels. for easier access turn the steering towards you so the brake assembly is out of the wheel arch.get a large screwdriver or prybar and force it between the pad and brake disc so that the piston in the caliper is forced right back. do this with the pad on the other side of the disc. now you have to split the caliper. with a megane i used a 13mm spanner and removed two small bolts. you should be able to remove the assembly with the pads inside it.PLEASE OBSERVE HOW THE PADS FIT INTO THE ASSEMBLY AS YOU WILL NEED TO KNOW THIS FOR THE REASSEMBLY FOR THE NEW PADS.use your camera on your mobile for this for reference. once removed get some brake cleaner (comes in a spray) and spray all around the brake assembly to get rid of dust.check to see if the disc is okay.(check for hairline cracks as you will need to replace the disc) if all okay get your new pads and compare with the old to see if they are the same. once satisfied get some sandpaper and lightly buff up the brake lining on the pads and put some copper slip grease to the back of the pad, this will stop any brake squeal. DO NOT GET ANY COPPER GREASE ON THE DISC OR PAD LINING ITSELF!!!. refit the pads into the caliper and fit the whole unit to the other half of the caliper. fit the two bolts and tighten up. refit wheel remove jack and axle stand.check your wheel nuts again and pump your brake pedal up and down. repeat the process for the other side.once complete go for a good road test.REMEMBER THAT YOUR BRAKE EFFICIENCY WILL BE POOR SO KEEP YOUR DISTANCE FROM OTHER VEHICLES.IT TAKES APPROX 100 MILES OR A WEEKS DRIVING FOR YOUR BRAKE PERFORMANCE TO BE FULLY EFFICIENT. while on your road test brake several times to work your brakes to the disc.REMEMBER: ONLY DO THIS IF YOU FEEL COMPETANT TO DO SO. ALWAYS USE AXLE STANDS AND NOT JUST A JACK TO SUPPORT YOUR CAR. ALLOW PLENTY OF STOPPING DISTANCE BETWEEN YOU AND OTHER VEHICLES. for an in depth guide for your car get a haynes manual or go to your library and make a photo copy of the relevant section. for the sake of your own labour why not get Kwik fit to change them as there prices are very good. also if you do attempt this always change both sides rather than one side, even on the rear brakes. BE SAFE AT ALL TIMES AND GOOD LUCK!!!.

December 2008
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Free repair help for Renault Megane cars