Leaky dual siphon flush system after chaging diaphragm?
Recently I changed the diaphragm of a siphon type flush system. Now I am able to get the dual flush.
For half flush the water from the tank continues to flow after the flushing. Ideally after the half flush water should stop flowing into the pan.
I have tried to fiddle with the water level and change the rate of water that enters into the tank. Found that water keep on flowing after the half flush.
Any one with any pointers how to resolve this issue. Thank you.
The leaky dual siphon flush was found to be due a poor fit of the discharge pipe and the siphon out let. Bought a new rubber washer for the discharge tube that ensured a proper seal between the two pipes (viz discharge tube and the syphon out let). This connection must be airtight for the flush to operate correctly.
December 2008
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Leaky dual siphon flush system after chaging diaphragm?