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Mend Hoover Washing Machines

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Mend Hoover Spins Water Machine

My hoover CA230 spins when full of water?

My Hoover CA230 1300 special edition washing machine only turns for about 4 secs on the spin cycle but goes really fast at the times when it should be just turning slowly to move the clothes about. The motor never runs for more than 4 secs it never gets up to full speed.
October 2005
the common fault on this machine is the module has bad solder joins on the relays done hundreds of em also if not spinning the first thing to always check is carbon brushes on motor always worth replacing anyway

October 2011
mine did the same thing, the little magnet on the end of the motor shaft had shattered. I got a replacement from Hoover direct for about a tenner. It has been fine for 2 years now.

March 2006
you can obtain a new module from this company -

49.99 in P+P

Before you order I strongly advise you to do another check for blockages in the water pump and the pressure sensor bottle.Also have the motor checked properly.

October 2005
Any idea where I can get a module
October 2005
the module will cause this fault. Remove the module and inspect it with a magnifying glass. Any burned or scorched components indicate a fault. A new module should not cost you more than 40 quid.

neil rogers
October 2005
Have checked the pump. its pumping great. The water level switch is okay as well. Something is telling it to go fast at what should be just a slow turn. I hope its not the module as it might be a scrap job. George
October 2005
sounds to me like your pump is blocked can't be sure it may be module but i dont think so try the pump

October 2005
Could be your heater element has gone low insulation, this causes problems like you describe. Its hard to check the element without the correct electrical tester. Also it could be the module, as this also causes the symptoms you describe.

October 2005
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Free repair help for Hoover washing machines

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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Free repair help for Hoover washing machines