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Mend Garden Tools, Hedge Trimmers

ratio for mccullogh gladiator 550?

could you please tell me the ratio of fuel for a mccullogh gladiator 550

fergal mccann
September 2008
To be fair what Tom states has always been the case- it's only in recent years manufacturers has been specifying a specific ratio for their machines, because it convinces the user to buy the manufacturers own branded oil- so more profit!

This is what I tell people:

Consult the recommended dilution ratio on the bottle of two stroke oil you are going to use. Always dilute at that ratio and you won't have any problems.

The manufacturer will recommend a ratio, but this is providing you are using the manufacturers own recommended oil- which could be 100:1 50:1 25:1 or even a 20:1 oil. Logically the engine doesn't have a clue what ratio you are putting in, so unless you are using the manufacturers recommended own oil, any ratio recommended by the manufacturer can be disreagarded.

The engine will run exactly the same even if you put neat petrol in, but obviously add too much oil and it will smoke and oil up, and too little oil and excessive engine wear leading to eventual seizing will occur.

If the oil you are deciding to use states 50:1 on the bottle, then dilute it at 50:1 and this will give your engine the correct protection.

A 100ml bottle of 50:1 2-stroke oil is perfect for adding to a 5 litre can of petrol- shake it up and it's mixed.

If you don't require 5 litres, then you can easily obtain a 2-stroke mixing bottle which is suitable for gauging the correct dilution ratio a litre at a time, which is a more suitable quantity for home owner use.

September 2008
For cases like this when you aren't sure you can try a new product made by Tanaka. It is a 2 stroke oil that you mix according to the directions ( I think it is about 50 to 1) and it is supposed to work in any engine regardless of the original mixture required. Thus, it is sort of an "all in one" two stroke mixture that should work in all your saws, trimmers, and any two stroke. I have used it in several engines now and it seems to work just fine. Sure is nice to have one jug of 2 stroke fuel in the shed instead of 5 different milk jugs labeled with a sharpy for each engine.

September 2008
Mend Garden Tools, Hedge Trimmers
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