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Mend Vectra Cars

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Mend Vectra Revs Car Stalls

i have vectra 1997-98?

when im driving or slowing down push clutch in ,revs go to zero car stalls or cut out

darren morgan
September 2008
Make sure your air flow sensor is clean . You will find it in a section of the air flow tubing just after the air filter. Remove the wiring plug and loosen both sides of the tubing to remove the sensor chamber . Give it a good spray with electrical solvent cleaner ( not WD40) and replace when dry. This will cure erratic idling and will cure stalling if it is really dirty.

September 2008
Hi Mate i have a similar problem on my 97 1.8. I also get erattic idling sometimes too. Vauhall diagnostics have saif camshaft sensor. £115 fitted - part is around £50 and doesn't look too difficult to do

hope this helps
good luck

September 2008
idle speed control valve!

September 2008
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