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Mend Peugeot 125 Motorcycles

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Mend Peugeot 125 Sum Up Wont

My peugeot Sum UP 125 scooter wont idle?

I have just bought a new Peugeot sum up 125 scooter.The problem is that it starts but wont hold revs and cuts out.The dealer says this is quite normal and needs to warm up for it to idle properly.Being new to scooters I find this odd.Can anyone tell me if this is true ?

Richard Morgan
September 2008
I got a peugeot 125 sum up 58 plate and havin problems with it rideing it starts but soon as i tek it if stand it dies on me any1 help and what does the breather canister do onit

May 2016
My sum up has no problem with idle i have a problem with rev counter when at 5,000 seems to be ok the all of a sudden goes crazy also back firing when wet and damp and wont run just been in the garage and they said the is nothing wrong with it any ideas as just had new spark plug and hd leed and full service ?

February 2014
my sons sum up 125 was ok til 3 months ago now has
intermittent fault do'es not like starting especially when if its cold or damp,its been to shop 4 times and had new plug,cap,coil, it starts then goes ok, following day will not start,cannot find problem, can anyone help,i think this bike is rubbish its an 09 reg and been serviced properly so don't know why this is happening
from this forum it seems a common fault.

ken beckett
October 2011
I don't know what are you talking about people, I have my peugeot sum up fo nearly 2 years and I only changing all the liquids and dive belt regularry. Its running good and only problem is warming up qite long.

September 2011
my peugeot sum up had many problems but i took my bike apart and tightened up all the fittings, taped around all the electric cables. I then had a problem with it not starting when it was cold so once i got somewhere i would let let it cool down a bit and then cover the air filter with a tea towel. The next morning it was fine and has been ever since. A bike is as good to you as you are to it.

August 2011
I have a peugeot vivacity 100 that wont idle unless its been ridden for at least 20 mins. apparently its a ` peugeot thing` they need a good thrash before the engines decide to idle.

September 2010
ive got a sum up and ive had the forks changed due to rust and a new cdi unit and new clutch cable and my exhaust is rusty and the heat cover on the exhaust has fallen off due to metal being so thin , wish i dint buy this heap off s==t

August 2010
hello check and see if your peugeot has been recalled because i have just checked and my need to be recalled people please check

April 2010
the owners manual says that the idle should be from 1.5 to 1.7. If you place the idle there. you will have the problem you described. the answer is to place to idle at 2.0. If you still have the problem when u start the engine, go up higher, 2.1 2.2 2.3 but you won't need to, 2.0 should do the trick. later...

bad boy
March 2010
ive had a sum up for 6 months and mine keeps braking down every month

March 2010
I have the same issue with my Peugeot Sum-Up 125 which I bought in Oct 2008

Was fine for the first year (which is all my warranty covered), but this winter it simply simply stopped working in cold/damp weather.

It is stored in a Garage when not in use and only works in cold weather if I have left it in there for a few days. It will then work for a week and then cut-out again until I leave it in the Garage for 3 - 4 more days.

I have done the following:-

* Had the Throttle Cable replaced (was recalled for this)
* Bought and changed the Spark Plug
* Recharged the battery.
* Changed the air filter (in case this was expiring and getting damp was preventing air getting to the engine)
* Adjusted the idle speed up/down (no difference)

In the posts below it mentions "Carb Freezing Up" which I cant fix under Warranty. Has anyone any more details on this?

February 2010
my sum up keeps cutting out as well its been to the garage to have this hole put in it but it still cuts out at roundabouts can you tell me if anything else can be done thanks for your help

chris stack
November 2009
i need help too. I got a znen tommy 125. It rides great but recently it started cutting out on rev's and i had an accident on it due to it cutting out whilst setting off on traffic lights on a slope. I took it back the third time as the dealer thought it was all in my head initially but i insisted i was not imagining it. After some head scratching they changed the spark plugs, checked coils, sprayed wd40 and on the last occassion replaced the CDI unit (brain of the bike apparantly). For 1 week every day it was just perfect. I thought problem solved. But then for 2 days it rained heavy. And hey presto same problem all over again. Now i'm afraid to even get on it. This is obviously a damp problem and water is getting in to the bike. How on earth can this be prevented..... my bike is dry stored at night so the problem is being out all day with it parked up with no shelter.

November 2009
mine will idle but only had the bike 6 weeks and the engine blew on me, it 2 weeks to get fixed,since then i have loads of problems. cutting out,front forks back springs head light not working new locks and now the dam thing is drinking the petrol so will have to get it looked at. not happy BEWARE DONT BUY

jonny n.ireland
October 2009
my sum-up only idles when engine is warm so i assumed the problem was that the engine is new and still tight, however i haven't manage to get it to idle cold after 3500 km and now it's broken as the engine has a broken cam shaft!!! peugeot sum-up? more like peugeot sub-standard!

September 2009
so glad I read this forum,I was going to buy one 2nd hand,saved from being done over.

September 2009
Take a look at the vin plate (on the kick stand) it says -Jinan Motorcycle Company
It should be 3250 RPM (for those of you that have been to: )

JINAN QINGQI MOTORCYCLE CO., LTD is principally engaged in the design, development, production and distribution of motorcycles and peripheral components. The Company’s major products include motorcycles, power-assisted bicycles, components and self-made half-finished products. The Company offers motorcycles, automated transfer vehicles (ATVs), three-wheel vehicles and scooters, under the brand names of Qingqi, Free Bird, Suntan Eagle, Batian Dragon and Happy. The Company distributes its products in the domestic market and to overseas markets, including Europe, the United States, Japan, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan."

steve e
September 2009
My Sum Up has been nothing but trouble. What annoys me most is that it took 10 weeks to get the first part and now a drive belt has been on order for 8 weeks. In a year the bike has been off the road for 18 weeks, totally useless. DO NOT BUY

July 2009
All of your problems are related to what is called carb icing. On cold days the bike wont tick over, therefore the peugeot cure for the problem is to cut a hole in the engine cover to let the fan blow some heat up to the carb to stop it icing. However seeing as this problem most occurs before the bike is warmed up the hole only blows cool air on the carb anyway. Sum ups are a disaster dont buy one...their chinese!

Cant say
June 2009
i was thinking of getting a peugeot sum up. but now im nt sure wether i should! surely peugeot will have fixed and sorted out these problems, maybe its just the first models that came out were faulty.

June 2009
it is the worst bike that i have ever had or drove it seems to be in the garage more than on the road it is a piece of sh*t. best advice DONT GET ONE!
if you do it will cost you more then wot you paid for it.

May 2009
WARNING: sum-up is s**t,my 125 now does 40mph at a real struggle,Revs now down to below 6000rpm,ive had it 4 months,all back suspension is covered in rust,lighting wires all had to be changeds{kept shorting out},Front wheel is prone to severe wobble,so dont let go of handlebars to open or close your visor.I CANT BELIEVE I PAYED ALL THAT MONEY AND CHOPPED IN MY 10 year old aprilia 55mph 50cc[no rust] FOR THIS !!!!!!!!!

soon to b a Non-Peugeot Owner!
April 2009
I have had my sum-up for a month now and it cuts out in the damp or wet, is there a cure for this?

Chris Trace
April 2009
my dealer tells me that there is a recall on throttle cable on this scooter.As there is a two year warranty anyone with a problem should return their bike to their dealer.

March 2009
there is a manufacture fault with the throttle cable on the sum up. contact your dealer and they should change it free. since i had this done had no problems since.

March 2009
Remove the cover plate under seat and adjust idle screw on carb . Look in instruction book and there is a diagram, it is easy to speed tickover up or slow it down.

March 2009
Mine does this too, plus the speed is rubbish, max is 60 mph, but going up a slight incline it drops to 50mph WHY?

February 2009
i had my scooter for 4 days and 2 of them it wouldent work but my dealer rang peugeot and they said that it cuts out because there is a hole in the bottom of the carb that lets heat escape and it is to small so they told the dealer to drill it bigger but also the sum-up is effected by the cold and damp.

February 2009
thats absolute nonsense i've got a sum-up myself and it idles fine at about 2000RPM but the problems with it are nothing new.

Does it cut out when you try to rev it and does it recover if you quickly let go of it, if so it may be the fuel tap playing up as mine does so if its left standing for more than a few days

I've had mine since August 08 and its been to the garage five times and its still nowhere near fixed as its one problem after the next with a faulty clutch, bent front wheel and the maximum revs keep getting lower & lower after time.

My advice mate, get rid of it while its new and got more value

Anton Asheghian
January 2009
hi there peugeot are aware of the fault,stalling,idle,etc. ring your local dealer they will sort it out free of charge.did you reg.the warrenty? you need to.cold and damp hitting the carb affects the bike.they have a fix.roy

January 2009
beware my sumup has been in the garage 14 times plus with faults now its in having it tank changed cus loads of them have the wrong tank on them that may be why yours is doing it

January 2009
i have got a sum up last night the throttle cable snapped where it got frozen does any one no how much a new throttle cable will cost

January 2009
it go but it slow

December 2008
my Sum Up keeps cutting out, it happened when i was going round a roundabout, i lost control and fell off, i have now got a broken thumb and a wrecked scooter. im complaining to peugeot as these bikes are dangerous. mine doesnt idle either.

dave jones
October 2008
i have the same proplem i tryed evrything i mean evrything n guess wat it was , the throttle cable was loose so the pin was blocking the , but also i wud clean you carb and fuel pipes they get cloged up with oil.

hope it works.

October 2008
try adjusting the mixture on the carburettor, sounds like its too weak, not enough fuel getting through

September 2008
Hon thats not right, scoots should idle without being warm, that's how you warm them up. I'm having the same problem with my aprilia habana custom 50cc, try the spark plug and get it looked at by a mechanic, then go see the dealer again because it shouldn't be cutting out when you rev it.

September 2008
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