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Mend Hot After Machine

Why don't I have hot water after installing a washing machine?

Hello there

I hope someone can help...

We disconnected and reconnected the dishwasher and washing machine (for a kitchen survey) and since then, we have had no hot water (the taps run cold, not dry). Also, the dishwasher isn't draining properly and when the washing machine is on, the noise is incredible in the pipes, it sounds as if there's an engine in the roof/pipes!

We have an economy-7 type boiler which has two switches, one for overnight heating of hot water (which isn't happening) and an emergency switch which will heat up water in about 30 mins (which gave half a bath full of lukewarm water). We don't have central heating.

Can anyone shed any light on why this has happened after a supposedly simple reconnection? It's not easy having no hot water with a new baby!!

Kathy Holford
September 2008
hi kath. most washing machines now are cold feed only, they heat the water themselves make sure your connections on back of w/m are correct sounds to me it could be robbing you of all your hot water. the banging pipes are water hammer, it happens alot when you have a tank in the roof space. dishwasher hose is either blocked or kinked.

September 2008
Mend D.I.Y, Plumbing
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