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Mend Audio, Audio Systems

MOSCA089/A - how to play ipod via USB?

I've various MOSCA089/A car stereos with USB ports and none of them will let me play an iPod through them. All the units work with the radio and the CD but when I put in the USB from my iPod the radio cuts out then the display shows "USB DRIV" then after a couple of seconds the display changes to "No List" before the unit goes back to the radio. The same thing happens with a different iPod.
It's unlikely ALL the units are broken so it must be something I'm doing wrong. There are no instructions.
Any advice greatly appreciated.

Mike H
August 2008
i found the same problem with my sony mp3 player when connected to the stereo via usb. It is because the software used to put the songs on you ipod changes the file extensions of the songs so that they are not recognised as mp3s by the stereo.

I thinnk this is why there is an option on windows media player (if you use it to sync to mp3 player from your pc) not to convert the songs for copyright reasons.

I just eneded up buying a 2gb memory card and does the job fine.

August 2010
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