I did exactly what the first person wrote for July 2011 and it worked perfectly!
"Open the copier as you would to change the cartridge. The left side lifts up to about 30° and it is hinged on the right. Go behind the copier (or turn it around). Look inside. Just in front of the hinged point you will see a spring, about 3/4" long hanging on a metal arm. If the other end of the spring is dangling, that is the cause of your problem. I found a small plastic piece inside the copier that the spring used to be attached to, but I could not find where to put it, so I made a small S-hook out of a large paper clip (the large ones use thicker wire. you can also use the handle from a Chinese food take out container) and used it to attach the spring to the vertical post that the spring is near. The copier is working again" by arkus
I also found the small plastic piece that broke off. I took the large paper clip and opened it up like an S. One part went under the vertical plastic post as stated above. The other around the spring and stretched it down far enough to reach the vertical post. I tried a few times until it worked. The spring has to stretch low enough. Good Luck!
October 2011