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Mend Panasonic Photocopiers

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Panasonic fp7722 error e3-11?

i have a church copier that has this error code of a e3-11. what must i do to repair and where do it get parts for it. thanks for your help

August 2008
on my machine (Panasonic FP7722) is turned on a service call (blink service key on the panel) does not display an error message on a copy of the counter 80745th
Question: how to access the service menu and resetting a service call?

April 2010
E3-11 is caused by leakage from seperation corona. The wire may be broken or very loose. Replace end blocks and lids. Or cut away the burned tracks caused by the arking. Tempory solution is to remove blocks and insert a piece of plastic bag (not punctured) as this further isolates the high voltage from the frame of the corona.

September 2008
This error is down to a high voltage leak on a corona wire unit arcing. Generally you can clean the unit but in quite a few cases you have to replace the plastic end blocks on the corona unit. The unit sits just under the drum and can be slid out when you push the green handle in the middle of the copier to the left. There is then a black square looking piece of plastic that drops down. If you push it down slightly and pull it towards you it will slide out. Use a paintbrush to dust it off and see if that makes a difference. I sent about 6 years working on these particular machines so if you need any more help just ask.

Monkeys Lips
August 2008
Mend Office Appliances, Photocopiers
Free repair help for Panasonic photocopiers

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Mend Office Appliances, Photocopiers
Free repair help for Panasonic photocopiers