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Mend LG Dvd Switching Disc


It keeps switching itself on and off regardless of playing a disc or not. I have tried unplugging it for a couple of days then trying it but after about 20 minutes the problem starts again and is really frustrating. anyone have any ideas on how to fix it?

August 2008
Hi all, a little late with this, but when I had a problem with my DR175, I was going to scrap it, and then decided to google the problem and found this thread.

My DR175 would constantly drop into pause from play unless I held down the play button on the remote. To cut a long story short, the problem was resolved by taking the front pane off and removing the wiring harness (described earlier in this thread). I then physically removed (with mini pliers) every switch from the harness wiring boards. A bit drastic but hey now works a dream. I have to use the remote as there are now no set top buttons, but what the heck. Hope this is of use to someone, I quite like my DR175

January 2015
buy a toshiba and you wont have any problems

May 2011
cant install tv freeview programs

December 2010
my lg dr175 has a problem on the set up panal it keeps flicking through all the menus when i press the stop button on the dvdr panal it stops but when i take my finger of it runs like mad how can i fix this please somebody help

December 2010
OK, back again after a long while, blew the dust of the LG DR175 and had another go at fixing it bearing in mind what others have said.

The fault (unit turning itself on and off, menus scrolling all by themselves) is caused by a faulty button on the top of the front panel. In my case it was easy as it was the power button that had failed. More below...

What's going on?
The power button was measuring between 2 - 6Kohms across its contacts when not depressed (it should be inifinity i.e. totally open and zero reistance when depressed). By the way, this coincided with a 2kohm measurment across the Down Prog button but that went back to normal (open) as soon as the power button was taken out of circuit (and goes someway to explain why the menus are scrolling down as if somone is holding the down-button constantly). Initially some Servisol switch cleaner and compressed air seemed to fix it but the problem was back around an hour or so later. Clearly the switch has failed. So, in the end I just took power button out of circuit and now exclusively use the remote control to switch the unit in and out of stand-by (which I always did anyway).

The details of how to fix it
1. Unplug the unit from the mains.
2. remove the 9 screws and slide off the metal cover.
3. Whilst doing an impression of an octopuss you need to unlatch 7 clips holding the font panel on, simultaneously easing the plastic front panel off. You can pull out the ribbon cable linking the font panel to the main circuit board in order to work on it easier.
4. If you have a test meter, measure across the power button contacts. If is anything other than infinity (i.e. open circuit) then you have the same fault as me and can disconnect the power button to fix it. If you don't have a test meter then you can disconnect it anyway as a trial and error process.
5. On the left, the power button is mounted on its own little circuit board with two wires leading to it from the other side of the panel with a surface-mount 2-pin plug/socket (there are no other components on that little board). Don't try to yank the plug out in-situ because it is sort-of locked in and you might damage the socket/board making a proper future repair more diffcult. Undo the single screw, take out the board and use a small flat-bladed screwdriver into the grooves on the other side of the socket to gently push the plug out. Screw the board back in place.
6. Do rememeber to tape down the flying wire inside the front panel so that it doesn't get trapped (particularly where it runs near the DVD door opening/hinge).
7. If you have an ohm meter, all the contact pairs on all the remaining buttons on the other side of the panel should read infinity (open). If any of them have a resistance or a short when not depressed then you may have another faulty button and you'll have to find a way yourself to take those out of circuit.
8. When done, snap the front panel back in place, remembering to re-attach the ribbon cable from the front panel to the main board. Refit the metal cover and prepare to test.
9. Plug in, power up (obviously you'll now only be able to use the remote to switch it in and out of stand-by), insert a DVD-R and test out the menus. All should be working normally now.
10. For a proper fix you could source an equivalent surface mount subminiture switch. It just has to be so a momentary action type. There is plenty of room to drill a hole and fit a much more substantial switch alongside the original but if you de-solder the old surface mount one from the little circuit board then you could even epoxy a larger new one in the correct position on the board underneath the original button top.

That's it.

December 2010
My problem sounds similar to some other posts so was wondering if anyone actually found a fix for it please?

Basically, the unit stopped working completely.
When I unplugged and plugged it back in, the display just shows --.--.
After about 30secs the fan and the red LED on the optical output switch off. I'm guessing that something is pulling the power supply down. (With the power board disconnected from the other circuit board, the fan runs continuously).
None of the display buttons or the on/off button seem to do anything.

I read on a previous post that there could be a problem with the capacitors on the power supply. Has anyone changed them with any success?

October 2010
I will give aid and AED explain how solved this problem on my DR-175.
2-Keep holding the STOP button on the device (the remote does not work)
3-Place the outlet again, with the key pressed

In my work this type of RESET

Hope this helps!

Hermes - Brazil
October 2010
Thank you Nurset!!! My player started doing the progressive scan error just a few months after I bought it. I tried contacting LG repeatedly and they couldn't offer any suggestions that fixed it and eventually just stopped replying to me. Great customer support! Anyway, I ended up just putting the player in storage and just this week while cleaning up I found it and decided to give it another shot to fix it. I thought it was a software problem not a mechanical one, so this is great to be able to fix it like that. So thank you very much! And as for LG, it sounds like they started outsourcing a lot of their dvd players and the quality just went downhill fast (seriously, how many problems commented on here that are due to simple mechanical problems?!). At least I know what not to buy next time.

September 2010
Hi all!! my LG DR175 DVD Recorder had the same problem.No matter In DVD or TV mode i couldn´t use my remote controller,because each time i attempted to press any button on my remote (or even on device buttons) there was a message appearing on screen "Select progressive scan return previous press stop 5 sec.." bla bla..
I got really crazy!!!!i made investigation on internet and Thanks God finally found this web page!!!
Some friends talked about take out front panel and mini connector etc..
As soon as i´ve read this informations , i opened my gadget´s front panel too..then i checked all buttons on front panel board(totally 7 buttons) by the ohmmeter part of my multimeter aaaaaannndddd guess what?? I´ve seen that the P/SCAN button was always conductive!!! No matter if pressed or not,always conductive!!!Due to i wanted to solve this frustrating problem as soon as possible,i cut the line which goes to pin of that button..and problem was solved!!! Instead of cutting, you can change button with a new one!!Thanks this site for leading me to solve my problem!!!

July 2010
Just wish to echo Alan's thanks to Bam. I'm lucky Google displayed this thread in the search results. My DR175 decided to constantly go down in any menu, and whilst playing a DVD there would be a constant red no entry type sign flickering away in the top right corner of the TV.

Just to be a little more specific (I don't mind tinkering away when I've no idea what I'm doing, it's kinda fun) and may save some time/damaging your DVD recorder, you need to unscrew the main cover first, 2 screws on each side plus 5 on the back I think then slide/lift it off.

On the front right corner you will see a thin tape coming out of the main section and attaching to the front panel section. Gently pull this out tape out of the connector on the main section, not the connector itself - you'll see the contact strips on the tape.

Then unclip the front panel from the main section - 3 clips on the bottom, 1 on each side, and two/four on top (there seem to be 4 but two of mine don't actually clip in!) so you need loads of hands to be able to do it at once, fiddly but doable!

Now you've got the front panel in your hands you'll see two wires running together connecting the power button to the rest of the buttons at the other end. At the power button end, the two wires end in a small plug, pull this plug out - I couldn't get enough purchase on the plug to pull or wiggle it out so I had to gently but firmly (hehe) pull the wires and the plug came with it. I taped the plug up just in case and reattached the panels and screws.

It works just fine now. Great thread and helpful answers, thanks very much guys and gals

Chris Blackmun (krayzeekris)
March 2010
I disconected the on off switch basically cutting the wire and tucking out the way, on my LG DR175

thank you Bam

Alan Batt
January 2010
I have one that will start recording all on its own,anybody know the cure for this

October 2009
i have the same model dr175 and it keeps switch into pause or can repair this by open the cover,take off front panel and remove the display from the will see a connector (tape connector),and identify pin 8 and 9 and just cut the trace from pcb display.this way the display and remote control will work perfectly,only panel buttons won`t work.forgive my bad english. i hope it would help.

cipri deji
August 2009
so is mine - It keeps switching off mid way thru play of DVD every 5 or 10 minutes and I keep getting a no entry type sign on the top right corner of the tv screen - it looks like it's heading to skip - it's two years old and I have never used it once to record a programme and very rarely use it to watch dvds so not through overuse, reading answers here I think I'll give LG a miss next time.

Phil Hickey
July 2009
I have the sam problem so:
1. open cover.
2. disconnection of the panel.
3. put tape to leg 4and5.
4. connection on the panel.
panel not light but all working perfect.

June 2009
please!!! I need some help!!!
my DVD recorder had gone crazy... it keeps playin the mesagge "please turn in progressive scan" (or somethin like that) all the time, I've done it manually, with the menu and in the options in the mesagge chart but it won't work!!
the mesagge goes away for a few seconds and then the screen turns black and I have to do it alll over again... please some help!!

April 2009
Glad i've found some more people with exactly the same problem. Mine isn't turning off, but pauses and constantly moves the cursor up on menus. Think i'll go with the disconnection of the panel solution.

January 2009
I've had the same problem with mine which is no longer under warranty, but I managed to fix the problem by disconecting the power button from the mainboard.

All you need to do is remove the cover of the player, then the front panel, then you disconect the power switch's board from the circuit with the on-board display.
It's just a small connector to unplug.

Only thing is that you can no longer turn the player on/off from the front panel. You can only do it with the remote.

Hope this helps :-)

January 2009
Crivvens! It's not just me then. Thanks LG for obviously not admitting it's a common problem to this model. I've seen lots of postings on other forums with the same or similar problems.

Mine will start to power-up as long as you press any button on the unit or the remote BESIDES the power button. Will sometimes half-open the tray before shutting itself down again.

Thanks Kris for the note about capacitors on the PSU - this could indeed lead to power fluctuations. Question now is ... do I try and diagnose/fix myself ... or bite the bullet and buy a new unit with HDD and freeview ... ho hummm

Kinder MRT boy
November 2008
I have a DR275 that is totally dead, just says 'HELLO' all the time on the display. I think the message here is: LG ARE CR*P AVOID AT ALL COSTS

September 2008
Forgot to add this to my last post: My DR175 is 21 months old.

September 2008
I got exactly the same model LG DR175 and it has started doing exactly the same thing in the last couple of weeks. Today it has been going bananas. At first thought it was a rogue remote control somwhere in the room on low battery doing it but eliminated that and now it has got the point where it is cycling on and off "rapid fire". I've tried leaving it off at the mains for a while and trying again but no joy. It won't stay on and it won't stay off. Totally knackered. I wish LG would just say *exactly* what is wrong with it and what part it needs so I can get an electronics guy to go straight to it for the minimal cost. All this "needs an appoved repairer" b/s from LG is just crazy especially when it out of the guarantee and it is MY responsibility and they know for a fact that the "approved" repairer is going charge more than what it is worth so they aint going to get any business that way (unless it is an LG specific part).
An electronics guy I know said, without looking at it, that it could be cheap substandard capacitors (in the power supply/controller) that have dried out (but don't quote me on it).
(Posted 10th Sept 08).

September 2008
Hi I contacted LG and they said it needs a repair by a qualified person but its cheaper to buy a new one richer sounds are selling it for £49.95 but I dont think i will buy another one as it has not lasted long i will probaley just buy a dvd player with hd upscaling because I hardley use the recorder, shame though cos i have hardley used it, oh well LG's loss as I wont buy another LG

Mike Smith
September 2008
My DR175 is about 18months old and has started doing exactley the same thing i thought i was going mad i am going to contact lg tomorrow and i will let you know how i got on

Mike Smith
August 2008
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