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Mend Dishwashers

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Mend > Dishwashers

Mend Water Time Warm

Bosche dishwasher SHV4313gb17 not heating water?

Dishwasher taking a long time to finish cycle with water not getting warm and detergent tablet not dissolving, leaving dishes dirty.
Is it possible to connect to hot water tap?
Can it be repaired? it is about 5 years old,it doesn't dry either.

Many thanks

August 2008
Thanks Karl.
Is it easy to access the control panel?
The machine is built-in with the buttons on the inside/top of the door.
If it needs a new control panel,are they expensive?
Many thanks

August 2008
The Bosch d/Washers do seem to suffer from dry solder joints on the control panel (behind the lights and switches) Normally it's straighforward enough to take out the board and re-solder the connections.
Dry joints are easy to see on connections that are at line voltage.

Karl Mitchell, Eco-mate technologies ltd
August 2008
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Dishwashers
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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Dishwashers
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