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Mend Singer Sewing Machines

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Mend Singer Foot Pedal

Singer foot pedal?

Hi, I'm another one with a crazed, smoking foot pedal! If anyone could tell me how to remove the capacitor that would be great!

Tracy P
August 2008
Answers - mend, repair, fix

Very old post I know, but if it is a 5XX series, then replace the two 0.1uF capacitors in the foot pedal. This info only relates to this particular pedal, and you fix it at your own risk. The capacitors are typically 0.1uF 250v, and can be replaced with similar modern capacitors. I just purchased 5 for £0.99p - Description as follows. KEMET CAPACITOR 0.1UF 275V polypropylene 5 pcs RoHS OK - any 0.1uf Polypropylene capacitor rated 250V or above will do so long as it fits in the generous space in the pedal. 110V pedals may have a different value for this part, so check before proceeding.

A Hull
January 2011
Hello Tracy,
If you have the clam type control, peel off the rubber bottom and in the middle of the control there is a screw, undo the screw all the way out and the control will open, take out the capacitor and throw it away, what might happen when you try to undo the screw the plastic around it might break away, don't worry too much because you can glue it back in, if you have the button foot control unscrew all four screw to take it apart, any problems e-mail me.
August 2008
Mend Household Appliances, Sewing Machines
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